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Questions About South Carolina
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October 8, 2022
Charleston Choosing
I have a milestone birthday coming up right after Christmas. My husband and I are considering a getaway in Charleston, SC the week of December 26. I’ve never been, and he hasn’t visited in a decade or more. I’ve looked at older questions about the area, but am hoping for some more recent information about hotels, restaurants, and our tentative itinerary. [more inside]
April 20, 2022
What are fun things to do in Isle of Palms/Charleston, South Carolina?
Going on vacation there, never spent any time there before. [more inside]
March 26, 2022
Doing the Charleston (South Carolina)
I'm planning a bachelorette trip to Charleston, South Carolina, for a weekend this May. Four of us arrive on Thursday night, including the bride; two of us arrive Friday late morning. Check-out at the Airbnb is 11 am on Sunday and most of us leave town then. I have two questions: one about water activities, and one about nightlife. [more inside]
October 19, 2021
Covid-Safe Fun in Charleston SC
What are some covid-safe (outdoors, not large groups) things to do in Charleston, SC? [more inside]
February 18, 2020
Offseason Myrtle Beach with kids - entertain us!
We got tired of New England mediocre winter and booked a last minute cheap trip to Myrtle Beach for the first week of March. It's the offseason. What should we do? [more inside]
September 13, 2019
Christmas in Charleston SC
Looking to go somewhere within driving distance of Richmond VA, Dec 26-30. Leaning towards Charleston SC. Will be my wife and I and two adult kids. Looking at rental houses / apartments in downtown area. Are there any particular areas would should aim for , or avoid? Also, feel free to share your must not miss things to do or places to eat / drink in Charleston.
June 5, 2019
Florence, South Carolina for a few hours
I’m visiting family in Florence, SC and staying in a hotel nearish to the Civic Center. I don’t drive and rarely travel alone so I’m a tiny bit anxious about being trapped in a strange place when I’m used to being able to walk or hop on a train and do whatever I want. [more inside]
September 19, 2018
#TreatYoSelf - Charleston, SC Edition
In a few weeks my raggedy crew is making our annual pilgrimage to Charleston to celebrate our friend's birthday. This year we've coalesced around the idea of adding a "pamper day" to our routine and it's fallen on me to plan. The problem: we're a granola group that's better versed in setting up tents than scheduling spa treatments. Can you help me plan an awesome pamper day? Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
March 18, 2018
S. Carolina in the Fall
Planning to visit our aunt in S. Carolina (Hilton Head Island) in the Fall (2018) with my little sister and BIL, flying in from the West coast (of Canada).
Any events going on in the area around that time that we could piggyback the trip? To take our elderly aunt with? Suggestions on interesting visits in that area? [more inside]
May 23, 2017
Moving to Columbia, SC. Seeking housing advice.
I'll be moving to Columbia in June. I'd like your opinions about the safest/best parts of town to live in. [more inside]
August 30, 2016
Things to do in Columbia, SC this weekend?
Things to do, places to see, where to eat. We're doing the zoo. What else? [more inside]
April 3, 2015
Doing the Charleston...
So, a couple of dear friends are going to Charleston the week of April 13-19. They already have a place to stay, but I'm looking for suggestions as to the coolest, most wonderful things to do / eat / see while they are there. [more inside]
November 23, 2014
Surprise trip to Charleston SC...
I have booked flights to Charleston SC, now I just need...everything else... [more inside]
October 11, 2014
Things to do and see in and around Charleston, SC - November 8-11th
My teenage (14) daughter and I are going to a wedding in Charleston. Yay! The wedding is on a Friday, but since school is out for us part of the next week we thought we'd make a vacation of it! So we'll have Saturday through Monday free, leaving on Tuesday. What's good to do with a teenager in and around Charleston, SC? Are there any amusement parks or other cool tourist attractions within say a 3 hour drive of Charleston? Any teen-focuses Charleston-ish recommendations would be appreciated!
August 25, 2014
Winter mixed group tropical getaway spots
My family and I are trying to pick a spot for a vacation together this winter, and we could use some help finding a spot that will work well for everyone. Desires described below: [more inside]
July 26, 2014
B&Bs or Inns in Charleston, SC?
My wife and I are looking to spend an October weekend in Charleston, SC. Any B&B or inn recommendations in the old town/historic parts of the city?
May 3, 2014
Apartment hunting in Charleston SC - where to begin?
I'm going to be moving to Charleston in August to begin a job at CofC. I'm looking to balance affordability, a reasonable commute, and if possible, a safe, interesting, walkable/bikable neighborhood. Where should I live? Other than Craigslist, where should I be searching for an apartment? [more inside]
February 16, 2014
Help me plan my backpacking trip, real-time!
I'm currently in Guatemala with a friend, and we have another ten weeks until our flight home from Panama City. How should we divide the rest of our time? Which countries should we visit? Specific considerations inside. [more inside]
February 14, 2014
Reliable auto mechanic in Columbia, SC?
I have a relative who attends USC and lives around the St. Andrews area in Columbia, SC. He has a Toyota that's having some issues. Are there any auto repair places either near the university or around St. Andrews that you could recommend?
February 3, 2014
Dinner near College of Charleston. Tonight.
Where should I eat dinner in Charleston SC tonight? I'm staying on the C of C campus. [more inside]