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August 12, 2015 11:54 AM   Subscribe

Is there a way to disable Facebook telling me what my friends liked and other places they commented?

At this point a solid chunk of my feed is stuff that my Facebook friends either recently Liked or recently commented on. Very often it is on the wall of someone I'm not friends with so I couldn't really even interact even if I wanted to. This is annoying. I understand why I'm seeing it, but is there a way to turn this off? The solution would preferably be native (maybe I missed a 'turn off annoying posts' button in the settings?) but I use Chrome almost exclusively if there's a useful extension or something.
posted by griphus to Technology (6 answers total) 25 users marked this as a favorite
Fluff-Busting Purity!

I turn off a bunch of the junk with the checkmarks, and also add "commented" "tagged" and "liked" in the freeform filter field.

I also use the Friendly+ app on mobile, which cuts a lot of the garbage out.
posted by Lyn Never at 11:57 AM on August 12, 2015 [5 favorites]

I can't use Facebook without Social Fixer. Hide ALL the things!

Also, I judiciously unfollow almost everyone on my Facebook friends list. (Even you, griphus. Sorry. I see you on Twitter, though.) For a while, I unfollowed _everyone_, and it was so relaxing... until I missed hearing a good friend in another town was in the hospital. Still, it's an option.
posted by SansPoint at 12:02 PM on August 12, 2015

Seconding FB Purity. I've used it for over a year now and swear by it.
posted by buggzzee23 at 12:19 PM on August 12, 2015

If you check the box that says "Hide all from Tide" and keep doing this, the algorithm of what is displayed will get better rapidly. "I don't want to see this" works.
posted by bensherman at 12:38 PM on August 12, 2015

FWIW, it seems like Facebook shows a lot of stuff of this nature directly before/after an upgrade.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 12:42 PM on August 12, 2015

I love my current facebook set up. I have friends I adore but who Like too many things.

My set up is this: I have un-liked almost every book/movie/activity. Then I unfollowed all of my friends but turned on notifications for everyone.

When I look at facebook, I look at my Notifications list and only click the things I want to look at. I generally look at status updates and photos but skip all the "Bob shared AngryRant's link..." I don't get any notifications from games/apps.

I only follow my husband so my newsfeed is just him and me :)
posted by stellathon at 4:12 PM on August 12, 2015 [2 favorites]

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