What are my options for permanent hair removal on my penis?
May 5, 2011 5:13 PM   Subscribe

What are my best options for permanent hair removal on the shaft of my penis?

I realize some amount of pain is going to be involved (I've had laser hair removal on my back), but I'm hoping to find the least-agonizing method. I also don't know if it's even appropriate to ask, say, an electrolysis technician if they will do my penis. I'd ideally like to hear from people who've had this done to see if it is worth doing at all.
posted by anonymous to Grab Bag (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

I would investigate electrolysis. You don't have to identify yourself first; most electrologists have probably heard basically everything; and if they don't do it, they'll just say no. It is painful, but definitely not that painful.

I actually have an electrolysis appointment in two days. If you message me privately, I would be happy to ask my electrologist if she would be willing to do this (I am pretty sure she would not be scandalized by the mere question).
posted by emumimic at 5:51 PM on May 5, 2011

I know guys who have had good results with electrolysis. I'm a girl, but I've had it for my legs and armpits, you could email me about it if you have any general questions. (email in profile)
posted by nile_red at 6:27 PM on May 5, 2011

I have had laser hair removal on the very sensitive parts of my nether regions, and it is painful. No doubt about it. However, if they do the lady bits, they do the gentleman bits.
posted by two lights above the sea at 6:28 PM on May 5, 2011

Oh! for me it was painful on the armpits, painful-er on my legs, painful-est on my shins and ...almost no feeling on my girlie parts....but I didn't really go all out war on the girlie parts either. The people at the place told me it is more painful on areas with less fatty tissue? (hence shins, which I used to joke probably is worse than being waterboarded, but just now that joke seems terrible)

It was always only maybe 5 minutes of short bursts of extreme pain.

(armpits - you are being stabbed very quickly with a white hot ice pick, but then it's over in seconds)

(shins - you are being beaten with a white hot sledgehammer, and it aches a bit afterwards, not more than a minute though)
posted by nile_red at 9:18 PM on May 5, 2011

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