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Questions About Cincinnati, OH
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April 24, 2021

Where to stay in Cincinnati?

My family (me, wife, 16-year-old son) will be spending a weekend as tourists in Cincinnati in August. What part of town should we stay in? [more inside]
posted by ShooBoo around Cincinnati, OH at 11:04 AM - 7 answers has best

November 29, 2018

Cincinnati in One Day

I will be in Cincinnati for approximately 24 hours next month as part of a larger effort to show my mom different Midwestern cities that she might like. What should I show her? [more inside]
posted by julen around Cincinnati, OH at 8:09 PM - 12 answers has best

November 13, 2017

Conan! What is good in Cincinnati?

Hey MeFi! I'm going to be in Cincinnati shortly and am a bit of a snowflake as you may know from my prior asks. It's going to be a short trip but I'm not at all familiar with the area. Under the cut for more, any advice appreciated. [more inside]
posted by bile and syntax around Cincinnati, OH at 7:26 PM - 12 answers

March 16, 2015

What's happening in Cincinnati?

I'm going to the USITT Conference at the Duke Energy center starting Wednesday and leaving Saturday. What else should I see in Cincinnati? [more inside]
posted by Uncle around Cincinnati, OH at 6:29 AM - 7 answers has best

November 25, 2012

Bonobo exhibit hours at Cincinnati Zoo

What time does the Cincinnati Zoo bonobo exhibit close? [more inside]
posted by lemoncakeisalie around Cincinnati, OH at 8:38 AM - 7 answers

October 20, 2012

Dayton International to Cincinnati?

What's the cheapest way to get from Dayton International Airport to downtown Cincinnati? [more inside]
posted by null14 around Cincinnati, OH at 8:23 PM - 4 answers

February 25, 2011

Stuck in Cincinatti

I'm stuck in Cincinatti for the weekend. Help me stay sane and find something metafilter-worthy to do? Sights, food, bars. I know little to nothing about the place. Thanks! [more inside]
posted by jabberjaw around Cincinnati, OH at 6:31 PM - 20 answers has best

September 28, 2010

Get me some Fahrvegnugen!

Car-purchase filter, and Cincinatti-area filter: I plan to parachute into Cinci this weekend and help my sister buy her first car. Help me do this right. [more inside]
posted by swngnmonk around Cincinnati, OH at 11:13 AM - 8 answers

June 2, 2010

Things to do in Cincinnati?

We (a literate, slightly boho, slightly arty, middle-aged couple) will be in Cincinnati next weekend for a reunion of his Army company. I will be spending some time alone sightseeing. What sights/attractions/events (like museums, bookstores, libraries, plays, concerts) are not to be missed? And what are some great restaurants? We'll be there from Thursday night through Saturday night. We'll be in bed by eleven or so every night, so no recommendations of dance clubs are necessary, although we do like jazz and other music of most kinds.
posted by Jenna Brown around Cincinnati, OH at 8:44 AM - 12 answers

January 6, 2010

Cincinnati Mariage Proposal

Cincinnati Filter: I need a good place to propose to my girlfriend. [more inside]
posted by snapplepop around Cincinnati, OH at 12:12 PM - 16 answers has best

May 19, 2008

Driving routes from Cincinnati to Ann Arbor?

Please tell me about your experience driving the main or alternate routes from Cincinnati, OH to Ann Arbor, MI. [more inside]
posted by matildaben around Cincinnati, OH at 7:20 AM - 5 answers has best

March 15, 2007

Getaways near Cincinnati?

Nice weekend places near or within 2 hrs' drive of Cincinnati OH, for small group getaway? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten around Cincinnati, OH at 2:44 PM - 10 answers

December 30, 2006

what's up in Cincinnati on New Year's eve?

I'm going to be visiting in Cincinnati this New Year's eve, and I was curious if anyone could suggest something fun for an out of towner to do?
posted by donabean around Cincinnati, OH at 3:38 PM - 11 answers

February 15, 2005


When you think of Cincinnati, what do you think? [more inside]
posted by airguitar around Cincinnati, OH at 2:21 AM - 43 answers has best

December 16, 2004

What's changed in Cincinnati in the past 10 years?

Moving back to the greater Cincinnati area temporarily. What's changed in the last 10 years? [more inside]
posted by kamylyon around Cincinnati, OH at 12:31 AM - 8 answers