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Questions About New Mexico
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November 27, 2013
Help me find the NM secret sandstone caves
I'm in northern New Mexico for a few days and would like to visit the caves discussed here. [more inside]
October 30, 2013
Green Tortoise to Burning Man
Attending Burning Man was been on my bucket list for decades - mostly for the epic scale of the art, and the experience of creating a city in the wilderness - but the logistics & cost of trying to organize a trip form Hawai`i have always deterred me. Next year I'm thinking of foregoing "radical self reliance" in favor of letting Green Tortoise take care of the basics.
I do, however, have a few reservations, and I was wondering if people here had any experiences they could share. [more inside]
July 29, 2013
Where to stay in Santa Fe?
How walkable is downtown Santa Fe? We'll be there for 3 days and are trying to decide whether we should restrict our hotel search near the Plaza or consider the cluster on Cerillos about 15 minutes away. [more inside]
April 23, 2013
Help Me Get A Feel For Albuquerque NM
My husband and I will be in Albuquerque for a very short stay this spring. We have discussed the possibility of relocating there, and would like to get the best feel for the town that we can on our limited visit (2 nights and a day). Can anyone suggest some things to see and do? [more inside]
May 10, 2012
Sign me up, Santa Fe?
We're considering moving to Santa Fe. Tell us what we should know and where we should live. [more inside]
April 21, 2012
Taos on the Cheap
We're in Taos, NM with more free time than money. What are some fun things to do here that are free or cheap? (Any cheap eats suggestions also appreciated.)
February 22, 2012
What's a dog to do in Santa Fe?
Is Santa Fe a dog-friendly destination? [more inside]
December 22, 2011
Need some advice about Albuquerque, NM
Moving from MS to NM in a couple of weeks, and I want to lessen my culture shock... help? [more inside]
August 16, 2011
Things to do in New Mexico when you're working?
Things to do in New Mexico? [more inside]
August 13, 2011
Heading to New Mexico to look for Aliens, what do we do with the rest of our time?
My sister and I have been talking about a roadtrip to Roswell, for years and in a few weeks we're finally doing it. Now that our flights are booked we realize there's a lot more to do in New Mexico. Where do we start? [more inside]
April 21, 2011
Sante Fe in August
Sante Fe, NM in August: Yea or Nay? [more inside]
January 19, 2011
My old love (and me) in New Mexico...
Would it be better to plan a New Mexico vacation for spring break (let's say late March), or in late July/early August? [more inside]
January 3, 2011
I suspect this trip would be much easier if we were going to New Mexico instead.
I'm heading to Arizona for 3-4 days of unfettered roaming with my boyfriend. We are a strange pair of humans, and up for anything that sounds interesting. We're renting a car, and don't mind driving ridiculous distances for a small payoff. We'll need to find 3 places to sleep during the course of this little trip, as well. Any ideas, the more outlandish the better? We almost never get to travel together, so here's hoping for some strange fun if we can get it! [more inside]
May 1, 2010
Apartment Rental in Santa Fe for Summer?
Need help finding an apartment to rent in Santa Fe for the summer... [more inside]
February 17, 2010
What to see in northwest New Mexico?
I'm going to northwest New Mexico this weekend to drive around for three days. We'll likely use Farmington or Shiprock as our base. Our itinerary is completely open. We'll have a 4x4. Any suggestions for off-the-beaten path, or must-see places to visit?
April 27, 2009
Sort of like Thoreau, but with dogs...
Yet another vacation question. I'm trying to find a cabin to rent in mid-July. The requirements are we want to bring our two small dogs and we want it to be fairly remote/off the beaten path. We're located in central Indiana and would prefer a six hour drive at most. [more inside]
August 13, 2008
Looks like I made a wrong turn at Albuquerque...
Vacation in Albuquerque, and I'm looking to do a few specific things... other suggested activities also welcome. [more inside]
June 14, 2008
Sights and activities for a two week trip to New Mexico for a budget traveller bumming a free ride.
Last minute trip down to New Mexico came out of no where but I'm leaving tomorrow with a backpack and wanted to know what one could do for a couple weeks. I don't even have enough time to grab a guidebook and my only plans so far are to read The Border Trilogy. The ride is stopping overnight somewhere Utah then finally in Taos. I've got little money to spend regardless, what should I see and do here? I'm looking for a relaxed, unique, authentic Southwest American experience.
December 30, 2007
Resort suggestion for New Mexico?
What vacation destination would you recommend in New Mexico -- spa-like, quiet, upscale, desert environment? [more inside]
September 19, 2007
Aspens in New Mexico?
Amateur photographers want to find aspens in New Mexico. [more inside]