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Questions About Frankfurt, Germany
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June 12, 2022

What should I do in Frankfurt?

I’m spending a couple of days in Frankfurt. I like quirky stuff, social experiments, and any sort of event or space that fosters interaction among people. Basically, I like something where you can show up and interact with people, or something weird and unusual, and bonus points for something that is both those things. What would you recommend? [more inside]
posted by ManInSuit around Frankfurt, Germany at 6:17 PM - 5 answers

November 12, 2018

14 hour layover in Frankfurt on Dec. 23: realistic day trip ideas?

What are some ideas for day trips near Frankfurt I could take? Will things be open on Dec. 23? It is also a Sunday. More details below. [more inside]
posted by dubhemerak3000 around Frankfurt, Germany at 10:35 AM - 7 answers has best

August 19, 2018

Flying from Chicago to Frankfurt, Germany in 1984

I am writing a story that involves flying from Chicago to Frankfort in 1984 on Lufthansa Airlines. Would anyone be able to tell me the cost of a round trip plane ticket for a such a flight? Or suggest a helpful source? I have Goggled like crazy and not been able to find the information I need. Thank you very much!
posted by Ira Weston around Frankfurt, Germany at 7:48 PM - 9 answers has best

February 26, 2018

10 days, based out of Frankfurt: Day trips and outdoor activities?

I have two to three days of meetings in Frankfurt, four days off, and two to three more days of meetings. I like outdoors activities and am interested in day trips. Any ideas? [more inside]
posted by Roy Batty around Frankfurt, Germany at 6:45 PM - 7 answers

January 29, 2017

Calling urban planners: Explain Frankfurt to me?

I’ve had the opportunity to visit Frankfurt quite frequently lately, and I’m befuddled by its density or lack thereof. [more inside]
posted by Roy Batty around Frankfurt, Germany at 7:50 PM - 11 answers has best

October 7, 2015

Killing time in Frankfurt

I have several hours to kill today in Frankfurt (Main), Germany. Where should I go? What should I do? [more inside]
posted by kinddieserzeit around Frankfurt, Germany at 12:49 AM - 6 answers

June 19, 2014

Frankfurt stopover - euro needed?

Do I need to cash/euro to get by for 12 hours in Frankfurt? [more inside]
posted by moshimosh around Frankfurt, Germany at 5:56 PM - 17 answers

May 18, 2013

Getting to Italy via Frankfurt?

I'm trying to get to Umbria, Italy during the first couple of weeks of October, but I hate layovers. [more inside]
posted by RobotVoodooPower around Frankfurt, Germany at 5:49 PM - 8 answers

January 27, 2013

Birthday Boy in Frankfurt?

Our son will be turning 11 during our trip to Germany in a few weeks. We're planning on traveling from Wolfsburg to Frankfurt by train that day, and we're flying home the next morning, so where should we go in Frankfurt for a memorable birthday dinner? [more inside]
posted by ulotrichous around Frankfurt, Germany at 9:10 PM - 5 answers has best

September 21, 2012

Ich bin ein frankfurter

Asking for a friend: I have a day and a half or so of sightseeing time in Frankfurt, Germany this Saturday and Sunday. What should I do and see while I'm there?
posted by ootsocsid around Frankfurt, Germany at 12:49 PM - 8 answers

November 10, 2011

A weekend in Frankfurt

An amazing weekend in Frankfurt. [more inside]
posted by devnull around Frankfurt, Germany at 12:52 AM - 5 answers has best

June 27, 2011

How best to sleep while on a layover in Frankfurt?

Best place to catch a few hours of sleep near Frankfurt airport during an 8-hour layover? [more inside]
posted by fso around Frankfurt, Germany at 8:11 AM - 4 answers has best

May 25, 2011

poster-sized printing in Frankfurt

Where could I get an A0-sized poster printed in Frankfurt? Problem: I don't speak German. [more inside]
posted by tickingclock around Frankfurt, Germany at 8:58 AM - 6 answers

August 20, 2009

30 days in Europe, what to see?

One month in Europe on a budget, what should we not miss? Landing in Frankfurt tomorrow! [more inside]
posted by thewalrus around Frankfurt, Germany at 4:57 AM - 12 answers

June 10, 2009

Storing my stüff for a few weeks

I arrive in Frankfurt next Sunday. I leave Frankfurt in the beginning of August. I will not be in Frankfurt in the meantime. Where do I keep my stuff? [more inside]
posted by trouserlouse around Frankfurt, Germany at 3:42 PM - 4 answers has best

August 28, 2008

What do you know about Frankfurt?

What do you know about Frankfurt? [more inside]
posted by miles1972 around Frankfurt, Germany at 12:42 PM - 13 answers

April 10, 2008

What to do at FRA?

What to do during a layover in Frankfurt? [more inside]
posted by pearlybob around Frankfurt, Germany at 5:24 AM - 2 answers has best

March 15, 2008

Breakfast in Frankfurt?

Flying into Frankfurt Wednesday morning. Where should I have breakfast? [more inside]
posted by olinerd around Frankfurt, Germany at 11:25 AM - 6 answers

October 7, 2007

What do non-tourists do around Frankfurt?

I'm spent over four months in my my life on vacation in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I've done all of the touristy stuff. I'm bored out of my wits. What else can one do around here? [more inside]
posted by ye#ara around Frankfurt, Germany at 12:26 PM - 14 answers has best