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Questions About France
Displaying 101 through 120 of 461. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around France

May 8, 2016

Advice regarding Marnay-sur-Seine, France and the surrounding region?

I will be attending an artist residency in Marnay-sur-Seine, France from late May through the end of June. I'd love any advice on the town, nearby places I should visit, things I should be aware of, etc. Some of my high priority travel interests include botanic gardens, zoos, aquariums, other plant and animal-related destinations, art, thrift shops, and vegetarian restaurants. [more inside]
posted by vegartanipla around Marnay-Sur-Seine, France at 9:28 AM - 2 answers

April 26, 2016

Cycling in Bordeaux

What is the cycling like inside the town of Bordeaux? I know the region is bike-friendly, but if I rent a flat in town, can I easily cycle around the city and reach the outlying areas? Is there a bike path along the Garonne? Any suggestions on bike rentals or biking destinations would be appreciated as well.
posted by sixpack around Bordeaux, France at 6:57 AM - 1 answer

April 23, 2016

Help make our trip to Europe amazing, Carcassonne edition

Our family will be spending a few days in Carcassonne, France in June. We're traveling with kids, so our plan is for a mostly low-key trip filled with lazily exploring the city. But we're also looking for other unique or special experiences we could do as a family that would really make our trip special. [more inside]
posted by quantum around Carcassonne, France at 8:02 AM - 8 answers

April 16, 2016

Help make our trip to Europe amazing, Dordogne France edition

Our family will be spending a few days in Beynac France (Dordogne region) in June. We're traveling with kids, so our plan is for a mostly low-key trip filled with canoeing and lazily exploring the towns of Beynac, Castlenaud and Sarlat. But we're also looking for other unique or special experiences we could do as a family that would really make our trip special. [more inside]
posted by quantum around France at 7:32 AM - 7 answers has best

March 23, 2016

Help me plan my Paris vacation

I am going to Paris for six days in early May (super-excited - I was just fondling my passport this morning) and am looking for suggestions for interesting things to see and do. [more inside]
posted by codex99 around Paris, France at 6:47 PM - 28 answers has best

March 6, 2016

Adorable stores in France?

Are there any French stores that are similar to the Dutch store Dille & Kamille, or the Danish store Sostrene & Grene? I will also gladly accept any other recommendations for adorable stores in France! [more inside]
posted by just_ducky around France at 9:10 AM - 5 answers has best

January 7, 2016

Paris thrift stores

Where are the best second hand stores and thrift shops in Paris and its environs?
posted by josher71 around Paris, France at 10:14 AM - 2 answers

December 3, 2015

Hotel Recommendation between Montparnasse and CDG

I'm traveling through Paris on Saturday and need some hotel recommendations. [more inside]
posted by theRussian around Paris, France at 8:09 AM - 6 answers has best

November 16, 2015

I'd prefer not to let the terrorists win.

Should we go to Paris this Sunday? [more inside]
posted by cmoj around Paris, France at 1:49 PM - 9 answers has best

October 9, 2015

Things to do with long Paris layover besides explore Paris?

I'm arriving at CDG from Seattle around 8 am tomorrow morning and have a subsequent flight out of Orly around 5 pm. I've never been to Paris before. Ordinarily, I'd head into the city with this long of a layover, but I'll be back in Paris later next week and for sappy romantic reasons would like that to be my first time actually in the city. Where should I go for my long layover? Possibly relevant: American, non-francophone, willing to shell out for cabs, and into books/art/music/food/just about everything.
posted by bassooner around Paris, France at 8:36 AM - 11 answers

September 28, 2015

Bonne Année!

I am rewarding myself with my first-ever trip to Paris, the last week of December - which means I'll be there for New Year's Eve. What's the best way for me (and the conditions below the fold) to ring in the New Year? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos around Paris, France at 2:30 PM - 4 answers

Will we be able to do stuff and eat? Rural France, Christmas/NY edition.

We're contemplating a short family trip to Brittany between Christmas and New Year, but have no cultural context for how shut down rural and small-town France is likely to be at that time of year. [more inside]
posted by terretu around France at 12:09 PM - 1 answer

Good grub in 11th District, Paris

I'll be in the 11th in Paris in a week. I hear there's top shelf yums to be had there. Who's had them? Where should I has them? Bonus for good bars (not too swanky, not crowded, not loud, not smoky).
posted by Joseph Gurl around Paris, France at 3:46 AM - 8 answers has best

September 2, 2015

Things to do in Vannes, France this fall

What should I do/see during my two month stay in Vannes, France (Brittany)? [more inside]
posted by theRussian around Vannes, France at 9:33 AM - 5 answers has best

August 19, 2015

Paris... best way to get from the airport to the hotel and back again?

I have never traveled outside the U.S. and am terrified about this specific part of the trip. I anticipate being at least a little jet lagged when I arrive, so I want to make sure I have a plan in place. Advice?
posted by LilithSilver around Paris, France at 12:18 PM - 33 answers has best

August 5, 2015

Eating out in Marseille

Your recommendations, please, for eating out in Marseille. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Panisses at l'Estaque to moderately fine dining. Any kind of cuisine—doesn't have to be bouillabaisse. A bit of an explanation for what's good about the place you're recommending would be great. [more inside]
posted by lapsangsouchong around Marseille, France at 12:28 PM - 4 answers

July 31, 2015

Babette's Feast c 2015

I'm traveling to France this September with my mother and we're going to be there during the Fête de la Gastronomie, which is great! Except that I don't know what we should do or how we should do it. [more inside]
posted by Flamingo around Paris, France at 8:44 AM - 0 answers

July 22, 2015

a few nights in vacation edition

Am looking for recommendations of a house or other no-shared-walls place to stay, in Paris and/or surrounding area. It's key that we rent something like a house because my 1-year old screams loudly at night and we don't want to disturb neighbours (has happened in the past, in a hotel). More below! [more inside]
posted by leslievictoria around Paris, France at 7:55 PM - 12 answers

June 20, 2015

Help me do Paris right!

What are your tips and tricks for saving money and reducing wait times for the various popular sites and attractions in Paris? Are there tickets that are smart to buy ahead online? [more inside]
posted by just_ducky around Paris, France at 8:13 AM - 11 answers

June 6, 2015

electric adaptor in le puy en vale france?

help french speaking mefites! we are in lepuy france on the camino and lost our american to european electric cord adaptor for my surface pro 3. does any one know an electronics/computer store store that would sell these in le puy? merci!!!!
posted by bluesky43 around Le Puy, France at 9:29 AM - 9 answers has best