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Questions About Marseille, France
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April 23, 2023
Performance in Marseille that a Non-Speaker Might Enjoy
A friend and I will be visiting Marseille for several days in the Fall. While our French is rudimentary, we'd both like to experience a show of some kind. So I'm hoping for recommendations for a show or cabaret or other venue that might be fun for non-speakers. [more inside]
December 25, 2018
Learning French in France 🇫🇷
One of my goals for 2019 is to do a French intensive course in France. I am looking at the Alliance Française in Marseille for June and I am wondering if anyone here has experience of them, or of Marseille? I am a solo female traveler in her mid 30s, with an intermediate knowledge of French. [more inside]
August 5, 2015
Eating out in Marseille
Your recommendations, please, for eating out in Marseille. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Panisses at l'Estaque to moderately fine dining. Any kind of cuisine—doesn't have to be bouillabaisse. A bit of an explanation for what's good about the place you're recommending would be great. [more inside]