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Questions About France
Displaying 121 through 140 of 461. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around France

April 28, 2015

Bonjour, Mefi! Paris tips for two NY travelers, s’il vous plaît?

inertia and I will be spending a week and a half in Paris at the end of May. I’ve read the relevent wikitravel and tripadvisor pages and I’m familiar with all of the main tourist attractions. But we’re not sure what we should go see. She’s been twice before but I’ve never been. Give us all of your off-the-beaten-path Paris-related travel recommendations! [more inside]
posted by Brian Puccio around Paris, France at 2:18 AM - 13 answers

March 9, 2015

Florence, Chambord, and something in between

In late May, I will spend a week with my family in Italy (Rome, Florence, Venice) and then I'm going by myself to the Loire Valley to gawk at castles. Where should I stop for a day or two in between: Nice, Marseille, Lyon? [more inside]
posted by wintersonata9 around France at 7:15 PM - 11 answers has best

March 4, 2015

Loire by bike

We are finally going on our (rather belated) honeymoon, and we've decided to spend several days in Paris and the Loire valley. I think we've got the Paris bits down, but don't have a whole lot of info on the Loire area - can you help us? Oh yeah, and we're going to do it all by bike. [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot around Tours, France at 8:36 AM - 6 answers has best

February 22, 2015

Je ne sais pas "Haircut"

I'm going to Paris this week. I need a haircut. Something fashionable. I barely speak any French. Where should I go, and how do I handle the language barrier without leading to a terrible haircut or uncomfortable situation with the stylist?
posted by schmod around Paris, France at 7:14 AM - 12 answers has best

February 13, 2015

What to do in Paris?

Help me hit the highlights of Paris? [more inside]
posted by coriolisdave around Paris, France at 1:57 PM - 43 answers has best

February 3, 2015

Paris je t'aime: the summer internship edition.

A friend of mine may be spending this summer interning in Paris. I'd like some help with helping her plan the best summer internship ever. Snowflake details inside. [more inside]
posted by Tamanna around Paris, France at 12:33 PM - 11 answers

January 28, 2015

Itinerary question: Besançon vs. Colmar

I've always had luck picking the brains of the well-traveled Meta-fites! I will make this as short as possible. We have 4 or 5 days to split between Besançon and Colmar, France. However, I am not having much luck finding useful information. I've heard that Besançon is less touristy and that Colmar is beautiful. If any of you have been in these cities, I would appreciate hearing your opinions on the experience. Basically, which of the two options should be the longer stay?
posted by Don_K around Colmar, France at 6:39 AM - 7 answers has best

December 28, 2014

Traveling to Reunion Island

This April we're going to Reunion Island (South Indian Ocean, SW of Mauritius). The good thing is that it's well off the beaten path for US tourists. The bad part is that it's well off the beaten path for US tourists, so it's somewhat more difficult to research than most destinations. I'm looking for recommendations and advice. [more inside]
posted by kaszeta around Roscoff, France at 6:23 PM - 8 answers has best

December 8, 2014

Paris/Europe in Feb/March

How crazy would it be to travel to Europe in late Feb/March for a 5 day vacation? [more inside]
posted by jellyjam around Paris, France at 12:11 PM - 10 answers has best

October 13, 2014

Small, affordable, giftable, items common in USA, but not in France

I will be leaving to France in exactly two weeks to visit my large extended family and I would like to bring gifts but can't really afford to spend big bucks. Candy? Food? Easy personalized ways to keep track of everything and say "thank-you" after the trip also appreciated. And of course, a question regarding dollar to euro conversions. [more inside]
posted by lovecricket around France at 5:17 PM - 26 answers has best

October 9, 2014

Paris for a 70 year old

I am visiting Paris for 5 days with my mother for her 70th birthday in two weeks time and would like some advice on how to make this trip as stress free as possible for us both, my Mum has full mobility but low energy and large crowds of people, long walks and lots of stairs are not really doable for us on this trip. [more inside]
posted by RandomInconsistencies around Paris, France at 5:33 AM - 10 answers

September 6, 2014

In France near Paris can't go into City how see Eiffel Tower?

Is it possible to get an interesting, if distant, view of the Eiffel Tower without getting into the complicated driving area of Paris? I have a bit of time spare and would ideally see this icon. Thanks Tc
posted by trashcan around Paris, France at 1:52 PM - 5 answers has best

July 24, 2014

Need Paris airport taxi recommendation

Need recommendation for taxi/car service from Paris CDG airport to 12th arrondissement. [more inside]
posted by Joleta around Paris, France at 9:31 PM - 7 answers has best

June 17, 2014

What forum do U.S. expat mefite's use most on the internet?

I'm looking for THE forum for peeps like me (mid-30s, freelancing creative professional, not a backpacker) making a go of settling down overseas. I figured the hive must know the good sites with relevant info. [more inside]
posted by talljamal around Paris, France at 8:49 AM - 6 answers has best

June 14, 2014

France Rail Strike -- Can I Still Get Train Tomorrow?

In Paris with new husband, atrocious French skills. Haven't seen my Brit sister in over 15 years and she booked us hotel in Deauville-Trouville to meet tomorrow, 15 June. All I know is the train leaves from Gare St Lazare. The NCSF site requires Europe billing address so we couldn't buy ticket online, and train listings appear and disappear. We are getting frantic about what is happening. Train strike appears to be renewed, from what I can glean. Can anyone help?
posted by Locative around France at 2:23 AM - 12 answers has best

June 13, 2014

Help me get from Paris to Caen tomorrow through the train strike!

Any mefites knowledgeable about the French transport situation at the moment? Two of us have booked train tickets from Paris to Caen tomorrow and it seems that almost no trains are running. [more inside]
posted by Vortisaur around France at 12:07 PM - 6 answers

May 18, 2014

I heard the south of France is lovely this year?

I always found the answers to travel questions here very interesting, so here it goes: At the end of August/beginning of September, we want to go on a little post-conference vacation in the south of France. Our plan is to rent a car in Lyon and fly back two weeks later from Marseille. Do you have any tips and recommendations for us? Anything special we should keep in mind regarding to renting a car? We thought that the area of Languedoc-Roussillon is not as crowded as the Cotê d'Azure, so which cities should we visit? Primarily visiting some interesting places and relaxing at the beach is planned but tips for some short hikes are also highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
posted by ironicon around France at 9:08 AM - 8 answers has best

May 15, 2014

Where should we camp in the South of France?

Some freinds and I are going to take a train from Amsterdam to the South of France this summer and we need some ideas for places to check out on a budget and with interesting places/events/people to check out. [more inside]
posted by Yossarian22 around France at 9:56 AM - 4 answers

May 11, 2014

French road signs

Where can I view a specific tourist road sign design I saw in France? [more inside]
posted by hayvac around France at 9:36 AM - 4 answers has best

May 8, 2014

Paris in June for a Month - Help!

Flat for entirety of June in Paris, with my British sister meeting me in Deauville for two days. I haven't left the USA since before 9/11, and my partner hasn't since he was a kid. I need ALL THE ADVICE: apps to help, other day trips, is Italy feasible sans car, June weather, language sites -- I am combing MeFi but am just overwhelmed, and fearful older content is out of date. Help! [more inside]
posted by Locative around France at 7:00 PM - 23 answers has best