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Questions About France
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May 8, 2014

Paris for Paris haters.

I am booking a trip where the most cost-effective option will have me spending about 24 hours alone in Paris with nothing much to do. I've been many times before, done all the tourist stuff, and honestly, don't really like the city. Some bad memories plus something about France just doesn't sit right with me. What's the least Paris-like place in Paris where I can enjoy my day/evening? [more inside]
posted by jetsetlag around Paris, France at 4:23 PM - 20 answers has best

April 24, 2014

Paris and what else?

Mr. Kitty and I got into the Paris Marathon for 2015 (yay!) We decided to make it a long vacation. We plan on spending 3 weeks in France - the first week will be mostly adjusting to time difference, marathon running, and recovery. The second week actually exploring Paris, and the third a giant question mark [more inside]
posted by Suffocating Kitty around France at 6:29 PM - 8 answers has best

April 9, 2014

Crazy worry Wart Dad needs advice for kids

Both my young adult children are going to France 1 for school the other just because. I need some advice? [more inside]
posted by mrgroweler around Saint-étienne, France at 11:34 AM - 21 answers has best

April 7, 2014

Looking for a website to help us find traditional buildings in France

What’s the best website for finding traditional buildings in France? I don’t mean the architectural gems that everybody knows about, the chateaux, cathedrals, and other grand buildings. It’s fine if the website includes those, but that’s not our focus. Our interest is in seeing the traditional buildings in different regions--manor houses, town houses, farmhouses, mills, dovecotes, maisons a colombage, granges, lavoirs, and so on. We’d like to find one or two websites we could use each night that would help us discover what might lie along the next day’s route. The websites should offer the ability to search by map and ideally cover the whole of France. [more inside]
posted by sevenstars around France at 10:38 AM - 1 answer

March 29, 2014

Best Online Printable Big Maps of Central Paris

Where can i find the best free printable maps of Central Paris? Something big I can print out multi-page. (I can find plenty of tiny print maps which aren't for me). I'm thinking it would fit on 25 sheets of 8 x 11. I'd fold it and carry it with me. A good map that shows the relative widths of streets. Labels the main sights, shows tube stations. Google Maps doesn't fill the bill. If you have a really really good memory, I asked this question about London last year :) and I found Perfect! I had a blast using the large map. Planning my trip, I spread it out on my kitchen table and plotted my motley movements. When I got there, i folded it to the right page to bail myself out when i bumbled my bearings. And afterwards I had a keepsake with angsty autographs of the people I met. So is there a website that has these kind of maps for Paris?
posted by storybored around Paris, France at 7:30 PM - 4 answers

March 8, 2014

What's the best credit card for saving for a trip to France?

In summer 2016, we'd like to take a major trip to France, probably a month to three months. We have about 2.5 years to save up. What's the best credit card for accruing miles? (and any other tips you have for saving, besides sticking $20 in a jar every week…) [more inside]
posted by Ollie around France at 12:47 PM - 14 answers

January 12, 2014

What would make traveling with aged parents easier?

My mum is 78, my dad is in his eighties. My mum has always wanted to go to Paris but she doesn't want to travel without Dad. I'm thinking of taking them both but there's all sorts of anxiety on their part and mine. What are some suggestions to address these worries? [more inside]
posted by storybored around Paris, France at 6:54 PM - 13 answers

January 6, 2014

How Much Should I Pay For A Monthlong Flat in Paris?

Going on honeymoon in June to Paris. I have a friend who runs a business renting apartments in Paris for a month at a time, and he's just sent me the first two options. One costs 1390 Euro, the other 1250 Euro. Both are crazy good locations with crucial amenities like bathrooms. Is this about right, or should we ask for cheaper quotes? [more inside]
posted by Locative around Paris, France at 12:19 PM - 21 answers has best

January 5, 2014

Please help me plan my France trip this summer. Details inside.

Yes, it's another France itinerary question. My husband and I are traveling to France this summer (late June) and I need some itinerary advice. I am trying to figure out how to fill four days of travel between leaving Annecy and arriving in Paris. On Day One, we check out of our hotel in Annecy. On Day Five, we have to take a train or drive from wherever we are and arrive in Paris by the afternoon. So, we have four full days of itinerary to fill. Specifics inside... [more inside]
posted by emily37 around France at 10:27 PM - 5 answers

December 26, 2013

New Year's break in Paris, on the cheap

My girlfriend and I have won a week's holiday in Paris over the new year period. Flights, bed, and breakfast are covered -- how can we stretch our food and entertainment budget? [more inside]
posted by pont around Paris, France at 1:33 PM - 22 answers has best

December 15, 2013

Cell phone provider in EU

We are travelling from Canada to France and Italy and would like to have our roaming charges and calls be as inexpensive as possible. Can someone recommend the best cell phone provider in the EU for both cell phone and data usage where we would buy or get the iPhone 5S SIM card?
posted by Tziv around Eu, France at 2:05 PM - 2 answers

December 9, 2013

iPhone in Paris (Xmas 2013 edition)

Which French mobile SIM should I get for my one week in Paris later this month? [more inside]
posted by jindc around Paris, France at 8:24 AM - 6 answers has best

December 8, 2013

Fun, food-related events in Paris over the next two weeks?

A friend of mine is going to Paris, France in the next two weeks to visit family. He's fine with figuring out the touristy stuff, but is wondering if there are any food-related events going on.. i.e. openings, festivals, cooking shows, etc, that maybe locals would know about? Or, maybe to know where to look for such things?
posted by cacofonie around Paris, France at 4:48 PM - 2 answers

November 25, 2013

National Lampoon's European Vacation Moocher

What's the age cutoff to expect to be able to tag along with your parents on a vacation? [more inside]
posted by Sara C. around France at 9:17 AM - 34 answers has best

November 13, 2013

A Broad, Abroad, Alone

In a month, I'll be traveling abroad for the first time, all by my lonesome. Looking for helpful tips for a first-time international traveler. [more inside]
posted by julthumbscrew around Paris, France at 11:47 AM - 25 answers has best

October 29, 2013

Things To Do In Paris Over The Holidays?

I will be in Paris for a week and some change between Christmas and New Years. I've been before so I know all the standard tourist spots- but I know the holiday season will mess up openings and closings so I'm interested in fun, interesting things and places ...that will be open. Ideally looking for performances, music, English-language theater, etc. I'll be traveling with a classical musician with a fondness for opera, so looking for things along those lines. Any seasonally specific events or things I shouldn't miss?
posted by The Whelk around Paris, France at 10:05 AM - 6 answers

October 8, 2013

Looking for a hotel or rental in Paris in the 6th arrondissement

In Paris, we are looking for a recommendation for a 6 day apartment rental by owner or a hotel in the 6th arrondissement. We would like to pay a maximum of $200 Canadian per night. Though we are looking at the 6th, If you have a place to recommend in the 5th arrondissement, we would also be interested. if you can add a few details about the place,that would be appreciated.
posted by Tziv around Paris, France at 7:16 PM - 6 answers

September 5, 2013

Fête des Lumières

If you have attended the Fête des Lumières (Festival of Lights) in Lyon, do you recommend it? Even for a non francophone, who is also not too fond of cold weather? [more inside]
posted by just_another_one around Lyon, France at 6:15 PM - 5 answers has best

September 4, 2013

faire du vélib

I'm going to be doing two medium-long (6-8 hour) layovers in Paris soon and I want to spend them riding around on a bike using the Velib bikeshare system. What are the best places to do this, using one of the RER B stations as a jumping-off point? [more inside]
posted by theodolite around Paris, France at 2:30 PM - 8 answers has best

August 30, 2013

How to find secure, student-priced housing in Strasbourg on short notice

I'm an English teaching assistant who will soon leave for France with no housing pre-arranged for me and no help from the schools employing me or from any other government organizations, despite numerous polite requests for assistance. How can I find low-cost and secure housing in Strasbourg as soon as possible? Are there reputable agencies to help individuals in my situation? [more inside]
posted by datarose around Strasbourg, France at 4:22 PM - 6 answers