Questions in the Religion & Philosophy category.
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March 5
Next year in Jerusalem? Oy vey.
Jews who do not support the Netanyahu regime, how are you planning to do Passover this year? Please note that this is a very specific question; please only answer the question asked, and only answer if you fit the description in this premise. [more inside]
February 6
Can you identify the meaning of this detail in a stained glass window?
This medallion is the only non-geometric detail in an abandoned church's large stained glass windows. I'm curious about the meaning of the meeting of the four men. [more inside]
January 27
Make it make sense
I need to read Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology" for a class. I have made an attempt, and will of course keep attempting and looking for supplemental materials. In the meantime, do you happen to have tips on how to understand what this guy is actually saying? [more inside]
January 21
Guide to reading the Quran?
I have a translation of the Quran that I would like to read, but I know I'll miss a ton of nuance and context if I just jump in on my own. What resources or guides are out there that would be good for someone from a culturally Christian American perspective?
You like your Reform-y Hagaddah. Which one is it?
I'm finally, finally taking control of the family Seder from my mom. For a number of Reasons, I'd like to source my own Haggadah rather than using my parents'. Help me find a good one! [more inside]
January 19
Dealing with mormons proselytizing at events
How to deal with mormons proselytizing at events in the US? [more inside]
December 29, 2024
Daruma Dilemma
I was gifted a Daruma by the CEO of my company, to help me with a personal goal. I have since both achieved my goal and left the company, and now I'm not sure how best to dispose of it. [more inside]
December 27, 2024
How to know you're in the good old days, before you've left them
Some introspection in 2024 made me want to focus less on expecting things to go a certain way and more on focusing on the present. I have a gratitude practice but am interested in thoughts about how to remind my brain to focus on the present, beyond cultivating gratitude. Example under the fold. [more inside]
December 17, 2024
Practices of gratitude
I am grateful for every day. As long as I remember to remind myself to be grateful! What are your practices for remembering, marking, creating, and celebrating gratitude, thankfulness, and hope? [more inside]
December 1, 2024
Beautiful text passage in tribute to Christmas?
I’ve been invited to a fireside gathering where we each read a passage that relates to the upcoming holiday and that has special meaning for the reader. I am not a christmassy person but I love this group of people and am glad to be invited. Can you suggest a seasonal poem or passage that is beautiful not bleak, other than the famous Truman Capote bit? Nor the famous David sedaris bit - more old fashioned?
November 29, 2024
Book Suggestion:German-Jewish Intellectuals of the 30s
I'm looking for a book suggestion about the German-Jewish intellectuals of the 1930s that fled Nazi Germany. Ideally, it would be a book that was mostly memoir but also included some historical information about their philosophies and art. Would include people like Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, etc. Thanks.
November 22, 2024
Long term grief
How does it work for you? After three years, four years, ten years? [more inside]
October 28, 2024
Books about suicide
What books grapple seriously with the subject of suicide? I’m probably looking for non-fiction but fiction might work if suicide is thoroughly explored and isn’t just a plot point.
September 16, 2024
Good Samaritans in other cultures and traditions?
Please tell me about non-Christian stories, legacies, traditions, and philosophies for helping the poor, hungry, and homeless? [more inside]
August 6, 2024
What is the Hell of Iron Books?
The Wikipedia page about Chinese hells includes the Hell of Iron Books (鐵冊地獄) in a list. What is it? I've tried also searching for "鐵冊地獄" as well as the "Hell of Iron Books" but can't seem to find any details about what's supposed to happen in that hell, though I may have missed it via auto-translation.
August 3, 2024
How do I learn the history of the alchemical symbols for silver
So I've come across a couple sites that say there were multiple alchemical symbols for silver. (Like this one, for example.) Is this historically accurate? I'd like to learn more about the cultural context of the differing symbols and the alchemists who used them, ideally in a blog post to podcast sized way. Meaning I don't want to engage in the probably huge research project of researching the entire history of alchemy and read multiple books, I want to read someone else's research summary.
July 31, 2024
Share your existential commentary on suicide
A close friend self terminated. My user name might clue you into the fact that this "isn't my first rodeo." I live on the fringes. I don't need you to tell me it isn't my fault and there's nothing I can do. I'm asking you beautiful, intelligent members of MF to give me useful things to engage with to help process my loss. I'm not new here. But this one is hard. And yes I know Elizabeth Kubler Ross. [more inside]
July 28, 2024
The evidence is strong, my unlucky number's ???? (ah oh ah oh)
I have lots of superstition reference books but for some reason I am having trouble finding lucky/unlucky number information beyond the basics. I'll go with 13 if I need to (something creative I'm working on), but I would love it if one of you could help with something less obvious. [more inside]
June 26, 2024
How to seek religion? Starting point: agnostic.
I find myself interested in religious practice as I get older. However I have a long history of agnosticism that I am finding difficult to reconcile with potential faiths. Additionally, I am not trying to sign up for something that pits me against other people based on their creed/sexuality/gender/etc. Can you help me square this circle? [more inside]
June 20, 2024
Readings on hatred/aggression in love?
I'm interested theorizations of the weird phenomenon where human love or care often comes with an element of hatred or aggression built into it. Classic or modern, and any rigorous disciplinary approach (biology, philosophy, theology, literature, history) is fine, although ideally not pop psychology at the Blink level. What should I add to my list? [more inside]