Question about a handgun purchase in Los Angeles in 1991
January 1, 2024 6:19 PM   Subscribe

In my novel, a character buys a handgun in Los Angeles in 1991. If you know anything about any aspect of such a purchase, I would love to hear details. I know that now in CA there's a 10 day waiting period, but back then I think the wait was just 24 hours. But what are some other details about this transaction? For instance, I'm not even sure where he'd go to buy it. He lives in Hancock Park, and a gun purchase is out of character for him. Anything you can share is welcome.
posted by swheatie to Grab Bag (7 answers total)
Can't help with the practicalities and legalities, but one place you could buy a handgun in 1991 (and any time from 1956 to 2023) was Retting in Culver City, which is a fairly upscale enclave of Los Angeles. Retting has been in the news a lot over the past few years because of long lines there early in the pandemic and its recent permanent closure.
posted by caek at 7:13 PM on January 1 [2 favorites]

In 1991, there were dedicated gun stores around. There still are. Maybe the character would have gone the the recently closed store that had been in Culver City for decades. There were also some sporting goods and army surplus stores that sold handguns, which as far as I know have mostly dried up since then. I don't know the specific laws that applied in 1991, but I can say that getting a permit to conceal carry a firearm would have been very difficult for a civilian unless he/she was really chummy with a powerful politico.
posted by 2N2222 at 7:15 PM on January 1

It was 15 days.

As that story points up, the riots were in 1992. If you want to go find stories mentioning gun stores during the riots, you will probably be able to verify at least some were open in 1991 (from phone listings, advertising, etc).

Be careful about potential unintended political and racial implications of where you send your character to buy guns in 1991.

Pawn shops doubling as gun stores is a real thing, then and now. They still comply with all the regs.

You can also just make one up (and not be that specific about where it is, perhaps).
posted by snuffleupagus at 7:25 PM on January 1 [2 favorites]

Looks like this database link lists CA gun laws as of 1991.
posted by kickingtheground at 8:54 PM on January 1 [1 favorite]

a detail: the character purchasing from a legit gun store (a holder of a Federal Firearms License) would have filled out a federal form, the ATF's Form 4473, which was introduced in 1968.
posted by glonous keming at 11:45 AM on January 2

Was Culver City upscale in 1991?
posted by flamk at 10:59 PM on January 3

Not in the way it was now. Originally, it was a postwar streetcar neighborhood immediately south of the proper “Soldiers Home” area (thus certain street names: Veteran, Miltary). Legend has it the shape of the city was to link the old race track at its western extent (where Costco is now, IIRC) to the city core, to protect those operating it at the time. Very LA Confidential.
posted by snuffleupagus at 9:39 PM on January 4

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