Help me prove the existence of a certain t-shirt graphic
August 10, 2015 12:02 PM   Subscribe

There's a particular Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt that I saw the other day IRL but can't find proof of online.

Tennessee Tech University used to use this graphic for their mascot, Awesome Eagle, or maybe just to represent the TTU Golden Eagles in general. I don't remember.

About a week ago I was at the mall and saw a young kid wearing a shirt that had that same graphic except the eagle's chest had TH drawn in an overlapping style as if it were a college logo. I did a double-take, thinking this was someone from an alternate universe version of my hometown. I asked the kid (and his mom) about the shirt and she and he confirmed it was a Tommy Hilfiger product - hence the TH.

I did not think to take a picture of the shirt on him, which would have been creepy anyway. Instead I figured I would go home and google up "tommy hilfiger eagle graphic t-shirt" or something and find it right away. No dice. Scrolled through pages of image results from various searches, still no dice.

So how would you find it, if you were me? It doesn't appear to be a current product, or at least I didn't find it listed on their site.

Details: could have been a men's medium or a child's large, dark fabric (black or blue). Spotted in Louisiana as if that makes a difference.

Basically I just want to see the shirt again so I can compare it side-by-side with the old TTU logo to see just how much they ripped them off.
posted by komara to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total)
I see this on fleabay but the design seems quite different. Maybe the kid had a counterfeit Hilfiger shirt — even if the kid/mom knew, they probably wouldn't want to admit it.
posted by exogenous at 12:31 PM on August 10, 2015

Response by poster: It literally never occurred to me that Tommy Hilfiger was a brand that would be subject to counterfeits and knock-offs. Good grief.
posted by komara at 12:44 PM on August 10, 2015

It may have also been a product sold at the Tommy Hilfiger outlet stores- those products often don't make it online.
posted by MadamM at 1:26 PM on August 10, 2015

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