What Woolly or Coppery thing can we do for our anniversary?
April 3, 2018 4:54 AM

Seven years ago I got married to teaspoon. Every year since I've asked your advice on anniversaries. That time has come again. According to the canonical source I've been going by (US version, because Year 1 needed to be paper) This year is either Copper or Wool (or both)

So we have a wedding anniversary coming up in about 2 months. (June 24/25)
It's year 7, Wool or Copper.

So what activities can we do that are vaguely associated with Wool or Copper or Woolly Copper?
Puns are absolutely fine and even encouraged. (If I had the budget to go to CU-Baaaa I totally would)
Ideally, this activity would be cheap-ish and in or near London.

Every year so far I've asked this question, here are links:
(1) Paper (Gave a paper together at a conference)
(2) Cotton (Bought Cotton hammocks and slung them in our new boat to sleep in on the trip home)
(3) Leather (Ate mind bogglingly pricy steaks {leather being the package that steaks come in})
(4)Linen And Silk. (Had a picnic in the park on a Linen blanket, and bought a nice silk pillowcase)
(5) Wood. (Tried to go to the Black Forest for a walk in the woods, but ended up doing some renovating woodwork)
(6) Iron. (Bought a Waffle Iron, Went on an old Iron Railway then came home and watched Iron Man whilst eating Flat Iron Steaks)
posted by Just this guy, y'know to Human Relations (15 answers total)
For us fiber arts folks, we normally go to wool and fiber festivals with lots of sheep and other fiber animals. There is fiber, yarn and more woolly things for sale that you can imagine. Lots of demonstrations of shearing, spinning, knitting, dyeing and weaving done.

Habu has copper bamboo yarn. You can make something with it by mixing it with woolen yarn.

You might try needle-felting or wet-felting wool for something easy that can be done at home together that requires minimal equipment and skills. Either something decorative or practical for the home or to wear.

Or just go to some textile artist's exhibition. Lots of us do tapestry with woolen yarns and other interesting yarns including metallic ones that incorporate electric circuitry.
posted by whitelotus at 5:51 AM on April 3, 2018

A knitting or crocheting class at Loop, in Islington.
posted by snakeling at 6:06 AM on April 3, 2018

I have been collecting patches with my son for years. I am going to get him the perfect wool blanket at some time to attach them to.
You could go somewhere great and buy a souvenir patch and present the wool blanket and start collecting patches for every place you go.
posted by beccaj at 6:06 AM on April 3, 2018

No coppers are woolier than a Victorian copper. How about a visit to an historical police museum?
posted by ALeaflikeStructure at 6:07 AM on April 3, 2018

City of London Police Museum, followed by a lamb curry?
posted by glitter at 6:08 AM on April 3, 2018

(Ooh, snap). And matching wooly hats for a lasting souvenir, maybe.
posted by glitter at 6:10 AM on April 3, 2018

Start your day with a cuppa courtesy of your new fancy copper tea kettle, brewed in a pot shielded by a charming wool tea cosy. Then head out for a visit to meet some actual sheep! Or, if you have the budget, you could even stay overnight at Sheepdrove Farm.
posted by halation at 6:12 AM on April 3, 2018

If your budget allows, you could fly down to Chile and visit Chuquicamata, the largest open pit copper mine in the world, then pop over to San Pedro and buy a hand knitted alpaca sweater.
posted by signal at 6:22 AM on April 3, 2018

Here are a few ideas for recycled copper tubing and pipe. Be advised that copper has a resale value and is sometimes targeted by thieves, so I would put a copper wind chime or copper pipe rose trellis behind a fence for private viewing.
Copper is sometimes used as a roofing material -- maybe a copper roof on a birdhouse or doghouse?
Apparently copper in a koi pond is a bad idea.
A copper bowl for a birdbath is popular, however.

The thread title made me think of woolly bear caterpillars. Maybe a visit to a butterfly garden?
Also, woolly mammoths are a thing. Perhaps a visit to a historical or science museum, particularly if it has mammoth skeletons? Is there an archeological dig nearby?
posted by TrishaU at 6:46 AM on April 3, 2018

Lots of good suggestions in this previous post.
posted by galvanized unicorn at 7:08 AM on April 3, 2018

ooh, you can end your day sipping moscow mules and watching Wallace and Gromit, because obviously
posted by halation at 7:18 AM on April 3, 2018

In the US, there are machines at tourist locations where you put in a copper penny, turn a handle, and the machine presses a decoration into the penny and flattens it. The US now used zinc in pennies but there are many copper pennies in circulation.

posted by theora55 at 7:33 AM on April 3, 2018

While I adore ALeaflikeStructure's pun, I'd suggest various copper things.

I'm a fountain pen user, myself, and there are several options out there for solid copper fountain pens. So, if that's appealing, it's a thought.

Moscow Mule mugs are also a very viable option, as is copper cookware (although holy hell, is that stuff expensive).
posted by Making You Bored For Science at 8:38 AM on April 3, 2018

On June 10 you can visit the Sheep and Wool Fayre at Spitalfields City Farm:

Sheep & Wool Fayre is a fun rural-style event celebrating all things woolly. The day includes sheep shearing demonstrations, craft stalls, and have-a-go activities for all ages; spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, and felt making. This event is funded by The Worshipful Company of Woolmen.
posted by argonauta at 12:51 PM on April 3, 2018

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