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Questions About Portland, ME
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June 13, 2024
Things to do in Portland, Maine
A friend and I are flying to Portland, Maine, for a few days in August. Tickets are cheap and this is just a chance to get out of town in August. What are some things we might do? I like the ocean but am not a beach bather. Happy to hear about your favorite things to see and do in Portland or nearby.
September 28, 2023
TravelFilter: Portland, Maine (and surrounds) things to do, see, eat
We are going to Portland, Maine for a weekend in October. We plan to go for a drive to see foliage (and we are willing to do a long drive for that), but what else should we do, see and eat? Snowflake details inside! [more inside]
October 2, 2021
Portland, Maine: restaurants with outdoor seating + what to do
We'll be in Portland, Maine (not Oregon!) this week and because of COVID are hoping to find restaurants with outdoor seating, so we don't have to eat takeout in a park every day twice a day. We like all kinds of food but lean toward inexpensive hearty food for every-day eating vs fancy meals. Any recommendations?
Also, any must-see or must-do things, or anything fun going on this week and next weekend in Portland, or within a 1 hour drive? [more inside]
June 9, 2021
Luggage storage in Portland, Maine
Mr Joleta and I are returning to Portland, Maine on July 10 from an American Cruise Lines cruise. All passengers need to be off the ship by 8:30am, but our plane doesn't leave until 2pm. [more inside]
August 1, 2019
Parking in Portland, ME in the summer
I will staying on Peaks Island, off Portland, Maine, for a week mid-August, renting a cottage. My daughter will be driving up and staying with me for a few days mid-week. She'll need to put her car somewhere in Portland for up to 4 days. [more inside]
February 26, 2018
Portland, ME Advice/University of Southern Maine
Hi everyone, I'm currently reconsidering relocating to Portland, ME to study a 1 year program at the University of Southern Maine. I do not have a car and don't plan to get one during school, and although I've asked someone familiar with the area and have researched online, I wanted to ask here in case any previous USM students or locals might have more insight. [more inside]
October 7, 2016
Pub I can eat/watch the Sunday debate in Westbrook,Portland Maine?
I'm going to Westbrook/Portland, Maine for work and arriving on Sunday. I'm staying near the airport.
Any suggestions for a place where I can eat which will have the debate on? [more inside]
March 2, 2016
Long weekend in Portland, ME in March
Planning a short trip to Portland and would love some advice on veg-friendly restaurants, things to do in the off-season, and more. [more inside]
October 6, 2015
Things to do in Portland, ME, in October
We will be hiking in the White Mountains starting next week, but want to take a day trip to Portland to see the ocean and do [other things you can suggest]. [more inside]
September 12, 2015
Maine in September?
I am going to Maine for about 4 days in a couple weeks (Sept 24th) and I have no idea what to wear in Maine in September. [more inside]
August 17, 2015
What to eat, see and do in the "other" Portland
We will be spending a few days in Portland, Maine, at the end of August. What should we do? Where should we eat? What shouldn't we miss? [more inside]
August 4, 2014
Ye Old Off Ramp Inn? Portland, Maine edition
I'm looking for a cheap place to crash off Rt. 95 near (or slightly North of) Portland, ME this Friday night. I will be arriving late-ish and leaving early the next morning, so hotel amenities are a non-issue. Most of the places I'm finding, your Days Inns and Travel lodges, are $150 or so minimum. I'd prefer to do better. [more inside]
January 31, 2013
The other Portland.
How is living in Portland, Maine? [more inside]
September 7, 2012
Will a Prius survive Maine winters?
Is driving a Prius is Maine stupid, crazy, both or neither? [more inside]
June 29, 2012
Portland Stopover!
Attending the "Gentlemen of the Road" festival in Portland, ME on August 4th. Looking for information both on the festival and on where to stay the night (cheaply!) [more inside]
June 7, 2012
Dog friendly places and activities in Portland, ME?
Dog friendly places and activities in Portland, ME? [more inside]
October 6, 2011
You can't get there from here
Road tripping through VT and NH to Portland, Maine between Sunday and Tuesday, with a pretty open schedule. What should I do and see? [more inside]
September 16, 2011
Recommend a day trip by boat from Portland, Maine.
Recommend a day trip by boat from Portland, Maine. [more inside]
June 26, 2011
Portland Mainers - which neighborhood would you recommend staying in?
While looking for a week-long rental in Portland, Maine, I'm wondering what locals can tell me about the different neighborhoods that keep popping up - Eastern and Western Promenade areas and downtown. [more inside]
May 27, 2010
Fun outdoorsy things around Portland, Maine?
Hiking, kayaking around Portland, Maine? I'm visiting this weekend and I've read many of the previous threads but I have a few specific questions: [more inside]