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Questions About Zurich, Switzerland
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July 3, 2023
Zurich for the Elderly
I will be meeting up with my elderly parents in Zurich where they will be staying for a week in late September. Looking for suggestions on the best area for them to stay and what to do with elder folks who can't walk for too long. [more inside]
March 12, 2018
European Travel (for work): suggestions to make it awesome
Next week I'm leaving for Europe for work. I'll be gone 2-3 weeks. It's been about 12 years since I left the country, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to make this amazing. I have a lot of leeway over when I need to actually be at certain places, and I've padded in a few days here and there to give myself some time to see the sights. I have some questions about what to bring and what to do.< [more inside]
July 28, 2015
Fun things to do near Zurich
I have two days to kill time starting either in Lugano or Zurich. Where should I go? [more inside]
June 18, 2013
Cheap city centre hotel in Zurich hotel with good pub trans links?
I will be heading to Zurich to see the end of the EV Wave event in early July and need a city centre hotel that is affordable to stay at. Good public transport links are a must as this is how I will be getting around. Suggestions? [more inside]
May 12, 2012
Zurich patent office that Einstein worked in
Does anyone know if the patent office in Zurich, Switzerland that Einstein worked in when he published his famous papers at age 26 still exists? If so, where is it and is it open to the public? If not, what happened to it?
April 2, 2010
Living in Zurich sounds great, moving to Zurich sounds painful
So I'm moving to Zurich this summer for a postdoc. What should I know to make finding an apartment and settling in as painless as possible? [more inside]
February 2, 2009
Best weekend ever, Switzerland edition.
Boyfriend and I are spending a weekend in Zürich in a couple of weeks. What are the things we mustn't miss there? Also, what would be the best way to travel to other places in Switzerland for a day? [more inside]
August 7, 2008
Zürich ist zu reich...
What do I do in Zürich for five months, and which websites can eliminate the need for this question? (Especially if I'm on a relative budget) [more inside]
September 2, 2006
An afternoon in Zurich - suggestions?
I've got a 7-hour stopover in Zurich on September 12, so I'm planning to leave the airport to see a bit of the city. Just one thing: I have no idea what to see or do! Please help me out. [more inside]
August 29, 2005
Help me find interesting places to go near Zurich!
Near Zurich, where should I go for weekend tourist trips? [more inside]
January 17, 2005
Zurich Beaches
I am going to a wedding in Zurich in May, and I would like to go to the beach to relax for a week before the wedding. Where are some good beach vacation locations where I can vacation cheaply, and still travel to Zurich for the wedding.