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Questions About Ireland
Displaying 1 through 20 of 136. Subscribe: Ask MetaFitler Questions Around Ireland

March 23

In and around Dublin in September

Partner and I are headed to Dublin in mid-September for a week -- plan is to see the city, catch some random Dublin Fringe, and... ??? What's especially not-to-miss in and around Dublin in early autumn? [more inside]
posted by curious nu around Dublin, Ireland at 5:39 PM - 13 answers

November 19, 2023

Two night stay in Doolin

Hey all! On our third attempt at doing OMG Ireland*, my partner and I finally made it! Yay! And just in time for 20 years together! Day 5 into our excursion, it appears our bnb host for the next two nights may have ghosted us. Anyone know of a good inexpensive place to stay near Doolin for the next two nights (checking in 20/11/2023 and out 22/11/2023)? Original cost for bnb was 174 usd. We will spend more, of course, bc of the situation. But, any help would be so greatly appreciated. Heck if you have a spare bedroom near Doolin, we would take that and gladly give the money to you, in case the expected bnb falls through. *Will add links to previous OMG Ireland ask mes later. No access to a pc right now and really much more concerned about lodging for two days. [more inside]
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd around County Clare, Ireland at 3:14 PM - 4 answers

September 1, 2023

Mefis in Dublin

Mrs Jabo and I will be in Dublin for a few days around October 2nd and we want to hear some fine trad music and craic at a non-touristy pub. We are staying near Gardiner Row and Frederick St. but are willing to take a taxi. Years ago, we stayed at Trinity College and explored the area, but now we want something new. Oh… and any good day trips nearby Dublin are also welcome.
posted by jabo around Dublin, Ireland at 7:52 PM - 7 answers

July 10, 2023

Interesting stops on the 2.5 hour drive between Dublin and Galway?

Will be driving from Dublin to Galway in August. It's not a long drive but we'd like to take in some stops along the way (nothing too far off the M6/R420, please.) We love quirky places, ruins, museums, good food, music, arts and crafts. Any recommendations?
posted by egeanin around Ireland at 1:37 PM - 7 answers has best

July 6, 2023

What's unusual and fun in/around Dublin the 1st weekend of August 2023?

I'll be in Dublin 8/4-8/8. There are some cultural institutions/bike rides I'm planning on doing, but are there any special events/shows/exhibits that are happening that weekend? Or recommendations for places to look for those thing? Bonus points for Beckett-themed stuff.
posted by paul_smatatoes around Dublin, Ireland at 9:55 AM - 2 answers

May 2, 2023

Doofus does Dublin

I'm heading to Dublin and Galway with my mother this week, and realizing I have a lot of mostly transit-oriented questions I've run out of time to dig into! Hope me with my annoyingly specific questions, please? [more inside]
posted by quatsch around Ireland at 10:30 AM - 14 answers has best

April 4, 2023

Ireland: bagpipes and pagan sites

My cousin is going to Ireland and is very interested in bagpipes and Pagan sites/culture. Does anyone have any pointers? Assume that I have already Googled this and am looking for more.
posted by rednikki around Ireland at 11:18 AM - 6 answers has best

February 22, 2023

How to get from Wales to Ireland in a Timely Fashion

I need a way to get from Tenby in Wales to Dublin that doesn't take a) many hours b) costs a ton or c) makes me back track towards London. [more inside]
posted by tafetta, darling! around Ireland at 12:21 PM - 11 answers has best

September 21, 2021

Can I visit Ireland in mid-October with any covid issues?

I'm a vaccinated American who would like to vacation in Ireland in mid-October — will I be able to travel around the country without many issues, re: covid restrictions? [more inside]
posted by deern the headlice around Ireland at 8:21 AM - 12 answers

September 4, 2021

Best time to travel to Ireland

Basically, what it says on the tin. [more inside]
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd around Ireland at 8:48 AM - 14 answers has best

February 23, 2020

OMG, Ireland!

Hello Hivemind! Thanks to AskMe for suggesting Scott's Cheap Flights, because, OH HOLY COW, we found a round trip to Ireland from Texas for roughly the same as flying from Texas to the East Coast! Now that the plane is booked, a happily married couple of ~15 years is wondering what we should do to maximize this experience. We will be there for about a week in late September. [more inside]
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd around Ireland at 7:33 AM - 15 answers has best

January 8, 2020

Dublin with a 5 year old

My wife and I will take our daughter to Dublin in mid-February for a week's vacation. We have a few things on the itinerary. I asked previously where to stay, and you kindly also shared some recommended activities. Can you recommend some other activities within our parameters? [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock around Dublin, Ireland at 3:37 AM - 23 answers

November 14, 2019

Ok, Dublin! Let’s go!

After asking Monday about a potential trip to (or connecting through) the UK immediately post the next Brexit deadline, we opted to book a trip to Dublin instead. It seems like it will be a great place to go with our 5 year old. We will do more research on sights later, but hoped those who know Dublin can help us figure out where to stay so that we’ll be central to the sights we may ultimately visit. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock around Dublin, Ireland at 8:38 AM - 8 answers

October 16, 2019

Crossing the Irish border in November

I may not have a passport in November. I'll need to cross the border from Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland then, before returning to Northern Ireland. In the event of a no-deal Brexit, is there any chance I'll have a problem crossing the border? There's a lot of talk about customs checks and regulatory checks for goods, but, happily for me, I don't see any discussion of the possibility of passport controls.
posted by EtTuHealy around Ireland at 6:28 AM - 5 answers

June 26, 2019

Planes, Trains and .... Campervans.

I'm traveling to Ireland, for the first time, in a few weeks to spend a week with my daughter at the end of her summer study program. It's late in the game, but I'm considering renting a campervan and hitting the (left side of the) road! Advice appreciated. [more inside]
posted by ecorrocio around Ireland at 7:18 PM - 6 answers

May 16, 2018

A week in Dublin!

My sister and I will be spending a week in Dublin at the end of May. What should we do? I'm really into plants and animals. I'm also vegetarian. She doesn't like museums. We are considering taking a day trip out to see the Cliffs of Moher. Any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by vegartanipla around Dublin, Ireland at 10:25 AM - 20 answers has best

June 29, 2017

Eire for Beginners

My girlfriend and I are going to Eire in August for a week, and I'd love some suggestions. I thought we would spend 3-4 days in Dublin and then take the train to Galway for a couple more days. But the only thing set in stone is that we arrive in Dublin on one Saturday, and depart from Dublin the following Saturday. We have not yet booked places to stay. What's the best use of our time? [more inside]
posted by ubiquity around Ireland at 1:29 PM - 13 answers

June 12, 2017

US DublinlLayover and checked bag question

Can I still check through a bag from US to Dublin Airport to Rome Airport if I leave the Dublin International Terminal 2 for a seven-hour layover at a Dublin airport hotel? [more inside]
posted by Elsie around Ireland at 6:14 AM - 6 answers

June 11, 2017

Can you recommend a nice, affordable hotel in Dublin?

I'll be in Dublin for just one day next month on my way to southern Ireland. I'd like to stay someplace good enough, but not super spiffy, since my stay is so short. I got the name of one place but it's $210 per night. I'd love to find something just a bit cheaper. Since I'm only there a day, central location is key, as I expect I'll just wander around. Any firsthand recommendations are greatly appreciated.
posted by swheatie around Dublin, Ireland at 1:50 PM - 7 answers

September 20, 2016

Two weeks in Ireland without a car?

I’ll be in Ireland in October, but won’t be able to rent a car (no license). Is it enough of a disadvantage that I’d be better off visiting just Dublin, leaving other areas to be properly explored with a car on my next trip? [more inside]
posted by taupe around Ireland at 11:08 AM - 18 answers