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Questions About County Clare, Ireland
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November 19, 2023
Two night stay in Doolin
Hey all!
On our third attempt at doing OMG Ireland*, my partner and I finally made it! Yay! And just in time for 20 years together!
Day 5 into our excursion, it appears our bnb host for the next two nights may have ghosted us. Anyone know of a good inexpensive place to stay near Doolin for the next two nights (checking in 20/11/2023 and out 22/11/2023)? Original cost for bnb was 174 usd. We will spend more, of course, bc of the situation. But, any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Heck if you have a spare bedroom near Doolin, we would take that and gladly give the money to you, in case the expected bnb falls through.
*Will add links to previous OMG Ireland ask mes later. No access to a pc right now and really much more concerned about lodging for two days. [more inside]