Where does She-Ra get her power from?
June 18, 2004 8:31 AM   Subscribe

Where does She-Ra get her power from?

This question has been bugging me for years, and has bedeviled everyone I've ever asked. Everyone remembers that He-Man gets his power from Greyskull, but I remember She-Ra saying something different during her transformation sequence. Any other kids of the 80s have better memories than I?
posted by falconred to Grab Bag (12 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
"By the power of Eternia [something something]"

It was actually from meth, but they couldn't show it.
posted by Mayor Curley at 8:35 AM on June 18, 2004

'By the Honor of Grayskull' is the correct answer.
posted by biffa at 8:38 AM on June 18, 2004

Best answer: Biffa is close... It's, "For the honor of Greyskull!" You can hear both opening speeches on Michael's Secret of the Sword.

Man, this is cheesy.
posted by waxpancake at 8:44 AM on June 18, 2004

It was actually from meth, but they couldn't show it.

Yeah, but the movie was PG and they touched on it. If you look close at one of the establishing shots outside Greyskull, you can see three or four cops pumping hot lead into her, but she just keeps on coming.

Some of her energy came from her hatred of Teela and she kept in shape by running from Orco who was right at upskirts height.
posted by yerfatma at 8:46 AM on June 18, 2004

I think she was a fictional character.
posted by bondcliff at 9:24 AM on June 18, 2004

Response by poster: See, the fact that this got answered is what makes AskMe great!
posted by falconred at 10:54 AM on June 18, 2004

"For the honor of Grayskull" is what she says, but where does she get her power from? The question hasn't been answered. Come on, i won't sleep tonight until this is cleared up.
posted by Miles Long at 1:11 PM on June 18, 2004

Grayskull Consolidated Hydro (NASDAQ: GHYD)
posted by tss at 1:20 PM on June 18, 2004

Wait, Greyskull was in Canada? That explains a lot.
posted by yerfatma at 1:23 PM on June 18, 2004

She's Adam's/He-Man's twin sister, so they both get to use some of the Greyskull mojo.
posted by Asparagirl at 3:45 PM on June 18, 2004

Best answer: "For the honor of Grayskull" is what she says, but where does she get her power from? The question hasn't been answered. Come on, i won't sleep tonight until this is cleared up.

Actually, her power--that is, what lets her transform from Princess Adora to the mighty She-Ra--is not her catch-phrase or her lineage. Rather, the fount of her strength is her magical Sword of Protection, whose transformative powers are triggered by saying "For the honor of Grayskull." Castle Grayskull's magic is responsible (and in fact located her after the Horde kidnapped her as a child and left for another planet), but without the sword, she can't turn into She-Ra. It is the instrument through which she exercises her power.
posted by jbrjake at 5:04 PM on June 18, 2004

But the words are as important as the sword, neither grants access to the transformation without the other.
posted by biffa at 3:24 PM on June 19, 2004

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