Musical mystery from Steve Martin's Pink Panther
July 2, 2006 7:52 AM   Subscribe

Does this song exist from the recent Pink Panther movie?

About thirty minutes into the movie, Steve Martin and Reno barge into a recording studio where Beyonce is in the process of recording a song. Being musically challenged, I can't tell you a thing about it except that it involves an accompanying symphony. You only get about twenty to thirty seconds of the song before its disrupted by our characters' entry. A check of the official Pink Panther soundtrack shows that it does not exist there, and further investigation on the web indicates that it never made it onto any Pink Panther related cd.

Basically, does anyone know if the song existed only for that scene or is there a full length version of it with Beyonce that is available online or on a cd somewhere?

Thanks in advance and a Happy 4th to all you folks.
posted by Atreides to Media & Arts
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