Can the foam ever forget?
May 9, 2024 6:18 PM   Subscribe

Almost two weeks ago I got a memory foam bed wedge and was a bit flummoxed by the size of the box when it arrived. Turns out it was very small because the wedge had been rolled up and compressed like a swiss roll. Instructions on the box said it would resume its initial shape after 48 hours. 12 days later, it has not.

The wedge has a deep divot in it as though it had been tightly rolled up (gee, I wonder why). The edges of it have come back into shape, so the fabric cover stretches over it and looks ok if you do not look very closely, but there is no structural integrity.

Have googled variations on restoring memory foam, but most things seem to be for different items like mattress toppers, sofa cushions, etc. It's too big for me to put it in the dryer. Was this a wasted purchase or is there hope for its restoration - and, if so, how?
posted by Athanassiel to Grab Bag (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Why wouldn't you return it?
posted by soelo at 6:58 PM on May 9, 2024 [2 favorites]

Best answer: It's larger than a standard pillow, but it's still a pillow; if you don't have access to a laundromat with a jumbo dryer, scroll down for an expansion via steam method here.
posted by Iris Gambol at 7:54 PM on May 9, 2024 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Why wouldn't I return it: because I have multiple disabilities and I live by myself, so trying to repackage a large, bulky item and transport it to the post office to return it would be difficult and painful. I would rather use the thing if I can.

Iris Gambol, thank you for your helpful suggestion.
posted by Athanassiel at 8:03 PM on May 9, 2024 [2 favorites]

Best answer: I literally purchased the same wedge (for my back -- keep my legs elevated) 4 weeks ago from AMZN. Luckily, I had a different older wedge I was replacing so I was able to let it go for a while while I had the benefit of the old wedge. I found that I would massage the new one once a day and the way it sat (as pictured was the best) made a difference to how much progress was made. It did take about a week for it to expand to about 97%.

The one I was replacing was bought from the same seller a few years ago. That time it also took about 2 weeks. I sped the process up by running the shower on the hottest setting and doing my own version of steaming it.

I would consider using the method Iris Gambol linked to.

(If you are forced to return it, I do not think Amazon will have you actually ship it. They might just give you Amazon credit as the wedge is a pillow and a medical device. They cannot resell it. They will just toss it out at their warehouse. If they do that, give you credit, you can reorder it and see if the next one is any better. You do lose time, but would not have to box and drag it and yourself to a PO.)
posted by JohnnyGunn at 9:08 PM on May 9, 2024 [5 favorites]

Why wouldn't I return it: because I have multiple disabilities and I live by myself, so trying to repackage a large, bulky item and transport it to the post office to return it would be difficult and painful.

Last week, I had to return something to Amazon, and much to my surprise, one of the available options was to just have Intelcomm come and pick up everything and deal with it on my behalf. I opted for the post office drop off option because that was more convenient to me than waiting for a driver to show up whenever he might show up, but you could try initiating the return to see what your options are for this item. I don't return things much, so I didn't know that was ever an option.
posted by jacquilynne at 6:23 AM on May 10, 2024

I had a mattress topper that froze in transit and only ever expanded to a sort of moonscape. I contacted the seller (if they put a card in with the wedge use that, otherwise use Amazon's channels) and sent photos to say "is this right? can I fix it?" and they sent me a new one and told me to throw away the old one.

These things are rarely worth it to them to pay to get back. Give that a try.
posted by Lyn Never at 7:45 AM on May 10, 2024 [2 favorites]

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