Can you help me ID a Hebrew or Yiddish choral song from the melody?
December 31, 2023 8:21 PM   Subscribe

Here is the sound file. I don't speak Hebrew or Yiddish, but I think the words to the chorus were something like: "Oy oy mein vey oy mein dos-itz-vor yish-ach ben-dovid hi-teas-yore"

Sorry for not having more info, and for my mediocre sing/humming ;P.

Thank you so much for trying, even if you just listened to the recording and thought, 'well... no clue what that was supposed to be!" ;-D
posted by ch3cooh to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: "Shnirele, Perele" is in Yiddish. The Klezmatics version is probably the most famous. Basya Schecter from Pharoh's Daughter did a great version.
posted by zaelic at 1:31 AM on January 1, 2024 [6 favorites]

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