Raising the profile of an organization and its leader/membership
December 13, 2021 2:46 AM   Subscribe

I am the newly-elected leader of a professional association that will be facing some major issues requiring public support at the national level in about a year. What are the best things to do between now and then that will ensure we have the profile and image that we need to call on the public to understand our concerns and support us? What should be part of my marketing/promotions action plan between now and then?

My members are a hard-working, interesting, and diverse group, but for a number of reasons, including the perception that seeking attention is undignified, they cannot often take centre stage themselves. That has also led our association to take a similar low-key approach, but it has become clear that is not going to serve us well in the environment we will face by this time next year. As the elected spokesperson for the group, I have considerable latitude in "getting out there" myself, but I'm not sure where to start.

One of the problems is that while we have a communications person in the office, they are not very motivated and sometimes seem actively hostile to doing anything that elevates the membership. That problem will be dealt with separately, but for now, I'm looking for ideas for steps I can take largely on my own.
posted by anonymous to Grab Bag (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
> including the perception that seeking attention is undignified

OK, so given this, here's what I would do.

The type of group you described would probably tend to prefer measurement-based practices. If this is true, I would look at hiring an outside consultancy. Their goal would be to rate your current profile and rank your profile next to peer organizations. This would help both you and your members build a more objective vision and plan. The "that's undignified" stance is generally considered way too subjective to work from.

The consultancy should be "by the numbers," they should be pro-tech, they should be pro-measurement.

Every time you speak or communicate about profile-raising, use what is called a "third point of reference," that is, a standard, measurement result, document, contract, etc. that you yourself did not create. In this way you yourself get more tries, even if the points of reference themselves need to change or just don't fly politically. Even if it's a screenshot of a slide from a presentation on "how groups like ours keep up with changes in the industry," it's a third point of reference that helps you out.

Even if you can't do those things yourself, I would immediately start to design your own personal measurement tools for the aspects of your job that include 1) profile maintenance and 2) profile-raising. Apply the tools to your own schedule and planning for yourself. Make sure you always hit #1 at a basic level you define, and give #2 time to play out.

Frame every discussion of these tools in terms of "industry standard platforms and technologies," which they should be, rather than profile-raising.

(I am writing this with the idea that you'll simply deal with the communications person--dealing with them is quite a different issue.)

Good luck, I know it can be really difficult.
posted by circular at 9:13 AM on December 13, 2021 [3 favorites]

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