Car accident. What do we ask for?
October 29, 2019 4:43 PM   Subscribe

My Dad got hit by a tow truck. He was walking with the family dog. He’s conscious but aching. Police and ambulance are here. Driver didn’t drive off and is cooperating with police. He’s a driver for the tow truck company. What do we ask for and from whom? What else should we be thinking about? We’re still on the scene.
posted by saltypup to Human Relations (4 answers total)
Avoid the ambulance ride if you are unsure about insurance status and it doesn't compromise Dad's safety.
posted by Grandysaur at 4:46 PM on October 29, 2019 [2 favorites]

They usually recommend: name, address, phone number, insurance company, policy number, driver license number and license plate number.

Also: Sorry about your dad. Is the dog okay?
posted by bluecore at 4:53 PM on October 29, 2019 [4 favorites]

Not a lawyer, but I think it is a good idea to ask police if the driver is being ticketed or arrested; if not, try to get them to ticket him. I think it can help in later lawsuits and insurance proceedings.
posted by H21 at 5:10 PM on October 29, 2019 [4 favorites]

Best answer: Source: I work in auto insurance handling Bodily Injury claims.

First, I hope your dad and the dog are okay. This is a really stressful event, injuries or not, and it can feel hectic in the ensuing days.

Even if your dad doesn't seem injured, get him checked out at the ER and worry about bills later. I can probably help you figure that part out (i.e. who is legally responsible to pay the bill, which is not as simple as some might think because it often has less to do with liability and more to do with state specific insurance regulations, which are often different for pedestrian situations) but will need some more info first. I have handled SO MANY pedestrian cases where someone didn't seem injured and later it turned out they had a fracture. Car versus body (truck vs body!) is nothing to play with.

Get a police report (a full accident report which takes a few days to process, not just an exchange of information form that is handed out to make sure everyone has each other's info).

Take photos of the tow truck even if it doesn't have damage - in particular whatever part of the truck made contact with your father's body.

Were there eye witnesses to the accident itself (not just witnesses to the "aftermath")? Get their name, phone number, any other contact info and ask them to make a statement to the police if they haven't already.

Photograph your father's injuries if he develops any bruising or scarring, you will want to have documentation of any 'visible' injuries in their early stage as well as later.

Call the tow truck company's insurance asap and get the ball rolling on the claim.

I can get you more info but it may require you to provide more specific personal info (general location, etc) so please Memail me if you'd like.
posted by nightrecordings at 5:22 PM on October 29, 2019 [50 favorites]

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