Choice Instrumentals
September 18, 2018 8:59 AM   Subscribe

I'd like to listen to more instrumental music like Depression-pasillo by Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire; Ctzar by Rhapsodija Trio; and [untitled] by Neutral Milk Hotel. (Spotify links)

I don't have enough music theory to be able to say how they're all related other than maybe driving and awesome (v. technical, I know). What else should I listen to?
posted by davidjmcgee to Media & Arts (9 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: You might find a few choice examples in Calexico's back catalogue. Tres Avisos is one track that comes to mind.

Also some of Beirut's work.
posted by pipeski at 9:35 AM on September 18, 2018 [2 favorites]

Best answer: The heave-ho of Balkan melodies and psychedelic textures seem to be what those tracks have in common. Hawk and a Hacksaw are an American band that plies that trade. Pridjevi are a Balkan band that plays psych. Xylouris White is a Greek/Australian duo that explores those melodies and rhythms in a more avant garde way. Digging further, there's plenty more traditional stuff to explore.
posted by bendybendy at 9:48 AM on September 18, 2018 [3 favorites]

Best answer: The first thing thing that came to my mind was also some Calexico Minas de Cobre.
posted by borkencode at 10:07 AM on September 18, 2018 [1 favorite]

The first thing that came to my mind was this question from last year about the soundtrack to a game called Night in the Woods, specifically this suite of songs from it (link to purchase).
posted by rollick at 10:33 AM on September 18, 2018

Definitely most in keeping with the NMH track you mention, I'd recommend And So I Watch You From Afar, e.g. "Think:Breathe:Destroy"
posted by sinfony at 1:43 PM on September 18, 2018

Have you heard Do Make Say Think? They have a lot of driving and awesome songs: this album probably fits that description most consistently, although this album is my personal favorite. Their entire catalog is instrumental except for very occasional non-word vocalizations.
posted by torridly at 6:57 AM on September 19, 2018

Response by poster: "The heave-ho of Balkan melodies and psychedelic textures" seems exactly right! Thank you, bendybendy, for putting a name to this!
posted by davidjmcgee at 11:56 AM on September 20, 2018

These might be a bit more surf-psych than you're looking for, but:
  • Khruangbin — Thai-infused grooving from Texas
  • Y Niwl — wordless surf jams from North Wales.

posted by scruss at 9:47 AM on September 25, 2018

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