I'd like suggestions for a CBT therapist in Montreal.
March 5, 2015 11:23 PM   Subscribe

I need some help with a few harmful behaviours I have (I should really cut down or eliminate my use of some problem substances). None of the behaviours are wreaking havoc in my life, but I need a touchup to get them under control. I'd like to look into CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to see if it can help, as traditional psycho-dynamic psychotherapy didn't help that issue.

They can be located anywhere in Montreal. Ideally I'd go for the standard 6-week CBT course, and it would cost under $120/CAD per session.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Sorry for the late reply. Maybe you have found your way already? Good for you to look for touchup therapy before things get worse.

In case you still need suggestions, check out my answers to other threads today here and here.
posted by Dutchmeisje at 6:23 AM on June 21, 2015

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