Fun Springtime Movies!
March 30, 2013 6:48 AM   Subscribe

Looking for a fun spring movie to watch on Easter.

Every Easter we have a delicious brunch and watch a movie and we’d like some suggestions. It should be something light and fun but not stupid; we’ve often gone with musicals, Pixar movies, or something with Audrey Hepburn. Things that have worked well in the past include My Fair Lady, Up, and Roman Holiday. For logistical reasons, whatever movie we pick either needs to be available to rent off Amazon instant video or to stream on Netflix. Our plan this year is to watch Ratatouille but we’re looking for other suggestions as well. Thanks!
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl to Media & Arts (10 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
If you haven't already, why not Easter Parade?
posted by kinetic at 6:58 AM on March 30, 2013 [3 favorites]

Enchanted April!
posted by argonauta at 7:06 AM on March 30, 2013 [2 favorites]

Hopscotch! Funny and witty, delightful plot. On Netflix streaming.
posted by Specklet at 7:15 AM on March 30, 2013

Seven Brides For Seven Brothers - stage sets - but the choreography is amazing. Available at amazon instant video.

Overboard, also on amazon instant video, a 1980's crewball comedy.

An actual classic screwball comedy - Bringing Up Baby, also on amazon instant.
posted by gudrun at 7:35 AM on March 30, 2013 [1 favorite]

posted by chrisulonic at 8:01 AM on March 30, 2013 [2 favorites]

posted by brujita at 9:16 AM on March 30, 2013 [1 favorite]

I came here to say Enchanted April, but now I'll just say Cold Comfort Farm.
posted by Brody's chum at 10:18 AM on March 30, 2013 [1 favorite]

Wallace & Gromit
posted by ambrosia at 11:00 AM on March 30, 2013 [1 favorite]

posted by book 'em dano at 11:40 AM on March 30, 2013

Seconding Easter Parade.

In the same vein, Meet Me in St. Louis is another awesome classic musical with Judy Garland. It starts in the summer, goes through fall and winter, and ends happily in spring.

Both are available to stream at Amazon.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 5:57 PM on March 30, 2013

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