Best tournament-style bracket creator?
March 20, 2013 11:41 AM   Subscribe

I'd like to create a 64-item tournament-style bracket, pre-seeded with four regions, just like the NCAA one (only with Jewish foods, if you must know). I'd like people to fill out these brackets online, so everyone can see each other's picks, and the winners are determined by the most votes. The tools I've seen online (bracketmaker, bracketeers) don't really seem to fit the bill. Bracketeers comes close, but doesn't let you seed matchups by region, and only lets people vote on individual matchups, and won't let people fill out all rounds at once, ala yahoo sports,etc. Any ideas, for computer-based tools to do this? Whether free or not?
posted by ericbop to Society & Culture (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I've done a bit of work in the purpose-built tournament software department over the past few years and I have only come across the sites you have. There are a few libraries and tips available on the web if you or anybody know you is capable of writing software, but you're basically sitting in custom territory.

Do the people making their way through the brackets need to know what the next stage holds for them? Maybe a "choose your own adventure" type of structure would be useful, and there may be more options out there for you to create your own on someone else's server.
posted by rhizome at 2:14 PM on March 20, 2013

I've used challonge in the past for other stuff. Maybe you'll find it useful.
posted by phoebus at 2:57 PM on March 20, 2013

Shared Google Docs spreadsheet?
posted by prize bull octorok at 3:08 PM on March 20, 2013

Response by poster: challonge looks very simple to work, but unfortunately won't let me do regions.
posted by ericbop at 3:45 PM on March 20, 2013

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