Can I force the new iTunes visualizer to ALWAYS display the current track info? Failing that, any recommended alternative visualizations?
December 6, 2009 8:18 PM   Subscribe

Can I force the new iTunes visualizer (magnetosphere) to ALWAYS display the current track info? Failing that, any recommended alternative visualizations for iTunes on Windows?

I really like the updated visualizer that comes with iTunes these days and like to have the visualizer displaying on my monitor / TV / projector at home while I'm doing other work.

What often happens is that I or somebody else is curious on what track is playing, leading me to either rush over to my computer to check or annoying rack my brain for the answer. It would be great, instead, all I have to do is turn my head.

The new visualizer doesn't have to option to "Always Display Song Info" like the classic visualizer does. So I'm thinking I'll need an alternative iTunes visualization.

Are there any out there that are similar to the new iTunes visualizer (magnetosphere) with the option to "Always Display Song Info"? Note that I'm on Windows XP.
posted by thisisnotbruce to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
According to the help menu for the new standard visualizer for iTunes (press the ? key while the visualizer is running) you can press the I key to bring up the track info again.

I still have Magnetosphere, from before Apple bought it and rolled it into iTunes. Pressing I in that visualizer also brings up the track information again, but it doesn't stay visible for nearly as long.
posted by emelenjr at 3:34 AM on December 7, 2009

Response by poster: Thanks for the response, emelenjr. But like you're setup, pressing 'i' only shows the track info for the first twenty seconds or so in the new standard iTunes visualizer.
posted by thisisnotbruce at 4:37 PM on December 7, 2009

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