Mystery super-chill song ID
September 24, 2008 7:37 PM   Subscribe

I guess the planets are aligned today: I have another song ID request. This is a chill song with only synth and drums, about 90-100 bpm, with a lazy, plainsong female vocalist singing something like "mix-ing a cake", "it won't bake". And an unintelligible recurring rhythmic sprechstimme lyric which I'll represent here as "drop the doctor for may". Any ideas? Google's giving me cake recipes.
posted by aliasless to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
Tori Amos' "Baker Baker?"
posted by justonegirl at 8:00 PM on September 24, 2008

Actually the synth and drums description doesn't seem right but here is a youtube link in case.
posted by justonegirl at 8:02 PM on September 24, 2008

Okay... I'm almost positive this is a CocoRosie song. By Your Side (live version) mentions apple pies, not a cake though.
posted by kimdog at 8:12 PM on September 24, 2008

B52's Cake?
posted by MrMoonPie at 5:49 AM on September 25, 2008

Cibo Matto - Birthday Cake?
posted by yellowbinder at 6:13 AM on September 25, 2008

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