Agents for Lighting Designers?
August 1, 2008 9:19 AM

Do agents for Lighting Designers exist, and where do I look to find one?

I'm a lighting designer. I light all levels of production, from small theatrical production to corporate theatre and concert production. I have materials on display on my design firm's website, and I do my best to stay connected - I attend LDI and keep up with my contact network. I have a terminal degree in my field (MFA), years of experience, and I am a member of United Scenic Artists.

I'm interested in information about agents who would represent lighting designers with business interests similar to mine. Most google searching comes up with agents and agencies who represent and recommend architectural lighting designers and architects. I have plenty of experience lighting architecture, but my training is not from that specific career path, so I don't get bundled in with that specialty.

Are any MeFites lighting designers who have ties to agents? Is there somewhere else I should be looking? Thanks in advance for the help!
posted by anonymous to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Sounds like you're for a "below the line" agency. For film I know Sheldon Prosnit is a reputable agency. They may be able to refer you to someone that deals with theatre and music.

You may also want to contact the appropriate guilds and unions. The International Cinematographers Guild may be able to help.
posted by tinatiga at 1:15 PM on August 1, 2008

yes, they do exist, and usually they also represent other fields related to entertainment such as: cinematographers, make-up artists, costume designers, production designers, commercial directors, etc. i have a friend who owns one. if you'd like more information about his agency, please contact me through askme mail.
posted by violetk at 8:47 AM on August 2, 2008

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