Smooth job relocation/transition?
January 15, 2007 7:03 PM   Subscribe

She said yes, you said go to her. How do I do that?

I've decided that I need to go up and live with my fiance. In order to do that, I'd like to have a smooth transition into a job up in Minneapolis from my job here in Milwaukee. Based on that premise, I've got a few questions:

- When do I tell my current boss that I'd like to go up there? The company is huge and might have job openings in Minneapolis metro, but I haven't seen any on the internal job postings page since I got there in June. The project we are working on is supposed to be "done" in May 2007 or so, would that be a good time to jump ship?

- How do I approach my boss about this when I decide to tell him? We have a very good relationship (he hired me, he oversaw the internship that got him impressed with me, etc.) so I'm comfortable talking with him.

- What would a rough timeline be for a smoothish transition from Milwaukee to Minneapolis jobs? When should I give 2-week notice? When should I move? When should I make sure we (fiance and I) have an apartment that will fit us?

Thanks for whatever insights you have (you don't necessarily have to answer all the questions) in advance!
posted by yellowbkpk to Human Relations (7 answers total)
Since you have a good relationship with your boss, I'd tell him now that you got engaged and you are planning to move to be with your fiance.

If you are willing to stick through til the end of the project, make that well known (showing you are committed to helping them will encourage them to help you find another job). Telling them now will give you and your boss enough time to look for openings and feel out any opportunities you might have.

The best way to find a job is to already have an "in." There may not be any postings listed on the company site, but your boss may know of a potential opening.
posted by Brittanie at 7:09 PM on January 15, 2007

Go to him, tell him you recently got engaged, and the fiance lives in Milwaukee. See what he can do. Tell him it's important that you're both together. FIRST: make sure Fiance wants/needs to live with you. My ex-GF did not want to live with me when I came 4,000 miles to live with her.
posted by parmanparman at 7:09 PM on January 15, 2007

You know, this thread marks a turning point in the history of the internet for me. You have weighed in the advice of internet strangers for three major life decisions and everything is going smoothly. That's pretty cool. Go MeFi! Go!

How do I approach my boss about this when I decide to tell him?

If you're really good with him, why not just tell him as soon as possible? Like... tommorrow. If ever there was a good reason to go, it's to be with your fiance. Just explain that to him and let him decide when he can let you go.
posted by phrontist at 7:10 PM on January 15, 2007

Ok, these posts are just really so sweet...
posted by miss lynnster at 7:35 PM on January 15, 2007

This is why Time Magazine calls us "Persons of the Year."

Have a nice talk with your boss sooner rather than later and he'll likely do right by you and your fiancee.

Congratulations and have fun in these big adventures ahead of you.
posted by acorncup at 7:39 PM on January 15, 2007

As a boss, I'm also in the camp of telling him/her sooner rather than later. Especially because you two are on good terms. Does he know you're engaged and the distance factor? If so, your moving might very well already be in the back of his mind.
You note that you're too new to get internal posting positions. Even so, depending on his sway and connections, he may very well be able to help you transition up there. One of the biggest keys in landing a decent job is connections. Use him as one- I'm sure you won't be the first.
posted by jmd82 at 8:19 PM on January 15, 2007

Yep, tell the boss the news of your engagement...and your desire to move...right away. (And don't let yourself feel guilty! You're completely justified in planning what's best for you and your wife-to-be right now.)

Boss will hopefully start inquiring with the company as to whether there's a place for you in MSP. Let him know how flexible you could be on timing -- offering to stay through to complete a project is a good move, even if he doesn't wind up taking you up on the offer.

(Meanwhile, look for a job in MSP. If a fantastic opportunity comes your way, well, I guess you should post and let us know. Your boss is expecting you to be looking for yourself, though, so again, don't feel weird about it.)

Where's your fiance living...grad student housing or an apartment? Could you two live at her place until you get to the area and have the opportunity to look for apartments together?
posted by desuetude at 6:11 AM on January 16, 2007

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