Jade bracelets in Chicago's Chinatown ~ where to go/who to trust?
August 22, 2006 8:29 AM   Subscribe

I'm planning on buying a Jade bracelet for my wife's birthday and am looking for recommendations on a legitimate place to find one in Chicago's Chinatown (or anywhere within the Chicago-area for that matter)?

We've looked through all of the shops before and just want to make sure that what I'm buying is legit and actually worth the price I'm paying. If anyone has any recommendations or experience, I'd appreciate any help.

Also, any tips on what to look for when buying jade would be great... Thanks!
posted by cherryghost to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total)
i don't have a response to this, but i'd like to piggyback, if no-one minds. my mother has a string of jade & pearls which needs re-stringing, but she hasn't been able to get personal recommendations for a chicago-area jeweler who does restringing on the premises; so, if in recommending a reputable jeweler for jade sales, you can also recommend one for restringing, i would appreciate it.
posted by crush-onastick at 8:42 AM on August 22, 2006

i've bought jade jewelry from chicago's chinatown before. just make sure you examine it closely before you buy ... and i'd choose one of the more 'regular' vendors. anyplace other then chinatown will charge too much.

the stone color and texture will vary greatly, so look around. concentrate also on what holds it together--make sure it's something secure, and easily repairable or replacable.
posted by lester at 10:45 AM on August 22, 2006

My aunt lives in Chicago's Chinatown, and she buys a lot of jewelry. There's a shop right in the middle of Chinatown on Wentworth (the main street), called "Evergreen Jewelry" that she goes to, but I'm not sure she's bought jade there. However, I think she actually goes to jeweler's row for most of her stuff—jeweler's row being the jewelry shops on State street in the Loop.
posted by hooray at 8:48 PM on August 22, 2006

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