Animations of hip implants please
August 19, 2022 12:01 PM   Subscribe

I just had my second hip replacement, and I am interested in seeing animated videos or gifs showing where the different parts of the implant are located when the body does basic movements like walking, sitting, climbing stairs.

The reason I'm asking is that I am neurodivergent and have a very non-visual imagination and low spatial reasoning, and I need to be shown some things in order to "get" them. I'm imagining something where the body is translucent and the implant is visually emphasized. Even seeing a video of an original hip that emphasizes "here is where the femoral head and the acetabulum are when doing these movements" might help me to mentally insert the implant in its place. YouTube searches have had too much noise. Nothing with actual gore please. I have seen the awesome TikTok animation of the Play-Doh hip replacement, but it doesn't supply the information about the movement mechanics that I'm looking for.
posted by matildaben to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Hip replacements just look like the top bit of the femur, in metal form, tapering to a spike that’s nailed into the femoral shaft. There’s no rocket science to it. Any animation that shows the hip joint working will suffice; just imagine the head, neck and top part of the shaft of the femur replaced by almost identically-shaped metal bits.
posted by killdevil at 12:27 PM on August 19, 2022

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