Question about HSV1
January 19, 2022 2:51 AM   Subscribe

Doctors of reddit: partner and I both have HSV-1. I have it orally, they have it genitally. Can they transmit it to me genitally if I already have it?

We have both had blood tests that confirm we both carry the same variation of the virus (HSV1). The literature about this online remains maddeningly unclear, but I am hoping someone can clarify. If I already have the virus orally, would I be able to get the infection genitally?

I've tried to find more info online, and some places say you can spread the virus to other places (eye, genitals, anus) if you have an outbreak and touch a sore and then other parts of your body. Other sources say that if you have oral HSV1, it's incredibly unlikely you would also contract it genitally, because you have already developed antibodies for the virus due to the previous infection. I am hoping to get some clarification on this.

I know that Herpes, while incurable, is a relatively minor STI. We are just trying to keep one another safe for eventual other partners and understand better how it works.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (4 answers total)
I am not a doctor, but this seems like a trustworthy source which will answer this question and hopefully any other questions or concerns you have:

I would personally just be cautious about avoiding contact with the effected area if either of you has an outbreak or feels one coming on.
posted by kinddieserzeit at 3:14 AM on January 19, 2022

As someone also with HSV-1, I found The Good News About the Bad News: Herpes: Everything You Need to Know by Terri Warren to be the ultimate resource on this subject. She also maintains a forum for questions through the Westover Heights clinic. Here’s her response about HSV-1 and whether you can get it in multiple locations.
posted by msladygrey at 3:31 AM on January 19, 2022

From an anonymous Mefite:
Anecdotally: Both my spouse and I had a minor history of cold sores. He performed oral sex on me, not knowing he was about to have an outbreak, and from that I caught HSV-1 and was formally diagnosed with it genitally. I will say, though, it hasn't been a significant issue. I had a couple genital outbreaks in the first year and for twenty years it's been dormant.
posted by LobsterMitten at 7:19 AM on January 19, 2022

Yes, while you both have the same variety, HSV-1, you have not developed antibodies to the other person's virus, just your own. So while it's less likely that you would spread your herpes to other parts of your own body through contact, it is possible that you can catch the herpes again in another vulnerable area from your partner.

Exercise care when either of you know you are shedding the virus (having an outbreak) and understand that genital herpes outbreaks can occur without noticeable symptoms.

I am not an expert in genital herpes, but in 32 years as a practicing dentist, I've seen more oral herpes than most. I actively manage cases for my patients with antivirals, and prefer famvir for patients who can take it.
posted by OHenryPacey at 8:05 AM on January 19, 2022

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