Name that tune - with cuttlefish
September 22, 2021 3:19 PM   Subscribe

What is the title of the often-heard ethereal music in this video "Watch cuttlefish migrate together in a defensive line with a lookout"
posted by ShooBoo to Media & Arts (8 answers total)
Best answer: Camille Saint Saens' Aquarium
posted by phunniemee at 3:23 PM on September 22, 2021 [4 favorites]

Best answer: ... from the Carnival of the Animals
posted by Rash at 3:28 PM on September 22, 2021 [2 favorites]

I should note that "try Shazam" is a great answer for so many of these but Shazam thought the cuttlefish video was "Baby Sunrise" by Rune Rudberg???? How???????

Last year I was frustrated that I kept almost remembering certain pieces of iconic classical music but could never place them, so started keeping a list (creatively titled "classical music you can't ever remember") and added to it/went through it occasionally to try to retain it. The gymnopedies are on there. Toccata and fugue is on there. Flower duet. This one. Etc. This question was the first proof of concept for my list, so that was fun. Thanks!
posted by phunniemee at 3:34 PM on September 22, 2021 [6 favorites]

Response by poster: Yeah, Shazam didn't work for me either - it came up with two different poppish songs.
posted by ShooBoo at 3:36 PM on September 22, 2021

TV Tropes’ Standard Snippet has stood me in good stead when identifying That One Classical Motif. (Aquarium is “Underwater scenes. … Also commonly used in movie trailers, especially for films concerning magic, wizards, fortune-telling and the like. ”)
posted by zamboni at 4:09 PM on September 22, 2021 [3 favorites]

Best answer: For future reference: I have found this old AskMe thread fascinating and super useful--What is that song they always use?
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 5:32 PM on September 22, 2021 [6 favorites]

Shazam may not have worked, but SoundHound got it in one.
posted by ManyLeggedCreature at 12:49 AM on September 23, 2021 [2 favorites]

Probably a conga of some sort.
posted by Performing Without Annette at 5:24 PM on September 23, 2021

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