Fake It 'Til You Make It? Act Like You're The Hottest?
August 29, 2021 2:26 PM   Subscribe

A while back - time has lost all meaning - I read an article online that was about how to improve your self-image and self-confidence. The gist of the article was to move through life as though everyone finds you irresistible. Does this ring any bells?

There was also a very explicit statement about not acting on that towards other people - about consent, I mean. IIRC, the article was written by someone whose friends wanted her advice on how to be as confident as she was. It was not someone's personal blog post but I can't remember what site it was on. It was lighthearted but earnest. This is impossible to google for obvious reasons, but I'm hoping someone else will remember it. Help?
posted by VioletU to Grab Bag (2 answers total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Seems very likely it was this. But if not, this is great anyway.
posted by dizziest at 6:14 PM on August 29, 2021 [7 favorites]

Response by poster: That's the one, dizziest! Thank you so much!!
posted by VioletU at 7:45 AM on August 30, 2021

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