Homemade Yard Signs 101
March 29, 2020 10:52 AM   Subscribe

I made a pandemic sign for my yard on posterboard. I would like to put this in my yard but I need suggestions for weatherizing it (probably packing tape? - which I have a lot of and have used for protest signs - unless there is a better way?), and for standing it in the yard.

The stiff white posterboard got one thin layer of gesso and then acrylic paint and some sharpie marker. It also warped, probably because I didn't do the other side). We have had light rain and high winds recently, so would be nice to withstand that, though I hope to remember to bring it in if we have another thunderstorm.

I do have one can of Krylon fixative but I hope to make some more signs and one can isn't gonna do it even if that would work. As for standing it up, I do have one very heavy cement vase-thing I could probably affix it to somehow. Packing tape again? I also have a few pieces of that wire garden surround stuff, sort of like this, but 2-3 pieces of 3-sections each. It is about 18" high which could work with the sign sitting on the ground, though raised would be nice. I hope to eventually have several signs so may need a few different options.

Suggestions appreciated for: 1. protection from weather, 2. standing it up in the yard, 3. slogans/sayings for more pandemic signs (preferably the uplifting sort) including something like "this too shall pass" but not that exactly.
posted by Glinn to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
I've been thinking of making something similar, and I have a gallon of something like this from a previous wood planter box project. It ought to work with your posterboard, it's meant for outdoors and it's cheap (compared to art supplies). Make sure to shake/mix it up thoroughly before applying.
Tape the edges of the sign with 2" clear packing tape or duct tape, and fold the extra tape onto the front and back surface so the edges are sealed. Then hot wood glue or hot glue planter stakes or the fencing bits to the back of the sign with the stakes hanging below. Put more tape over the join of sign & stakes. Then put the sealant all over the sign and let dry completely. Shove the stakes into your heavy pot and you can move the sign around in the yard or bring indoors as needed.
posted by winesong at 11:28 AM on March 29, 2020 [1 favorite]

If Amazon ever delivers non-essential things again, you can buy the yard sign stakes like they have for political signs. They work pretty well with corrugated cardboard, so you could mount your poster board on a big piece of cardboard and then packing tape the whole thing. I’ve done that for a local politician’s sign because they could only afford posters, not actual yard signs and it worked really well.
posted by Weeping_angel at 1:57 PM on March 29, 2020 [1 favorite]

They might also have the yard sign stakes at hardware stores, come to think of it...
posted by Weeping_angel at 2:00 PM on March 29, 2020 [1 favorite]

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