Music ID help!
September 21, 2018 2:47 AM   Subscribe

I used to listen to a couple of CDs all the time, and I don't know how but I've forgotten the band name and practically all details of the albums. Now I really want to hear the songs again... help!

These details are very vague and maybe wrong... So the band was MAYBE called something like "Last Bohemians" or "Teenage somethings", something sounding kind of suburban rebelly?
A bit of a Vampire Weekend sound but with a Californian vibe. Whenever I try to remember a song I hear REM's "All the Way to Reno" instead... I had a couple of albums. One of them had white, yellow and black artwork. They weren't one hit wonders but didn't make it really big as far as I know.
And.... that's it. Good luck!
posted by KateViolet to Media & Arts (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: Oh, and I was listening to these about 10 years ago if that helps, so they were released some time 2000-2007 I guess.
posted by KateViolet at 2:51 AM on September 21, 2018

Born Ruffians, maybe?
posted by pipeski at 3:15 AM on September 21, 2018

The New Radicals? They only had one album, but the artwork for that one had the color scheme you describe.
posted by Johnny Assay at 4:32 AM on September 21, 2018

Response by poster: Neither of those, thanks though.
Some more details coming back to me - the first album had a photographic cover, the band members standing outside, in front of a sign I think. The second was illustrative.
There's definitely something geographic in the name or one of the songs, like about leaving a town, or a name of a place like San Quentin or San Bernardino etc... argh
posted by KateViolet at 5:02 AM on September 21, 2018

Best answer: I wonder if you're thinking about The Thrills - first album So Much for the City, full of tracks about California, second album Let's Bottle Bohemia, third album Teenager.
posted by misscleo3861 at 5:18 AM on September 21, 2018 [2 favorites]

No specific band comes to mind but if you can recall some lyric snippets, Google might help. Put the lyrics in quotes and see what what happens! I've had pretty good success with even very obscure songs.
posted by The Deej at 5:28 AM on September 21, 2018

Response by poster: Misscleo3861 THANK YOU for diverting my streams of consciousness somewhere productive! <3
posted by KateViolet at 5:35 AM on September 21, 2018

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