What IS this funky virtual reality cat music?
June 14, 2018 6:54 AM   Subscribe

This video edit of a Leap Motion powered cat anatomy simulator was recently shared on Facebook and has a million comments of people asking "what IS this music!!??". So far no answer. Can you help?
posted by 0bvious to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
If NowThis is like Buzzfeed or other purveyors of viral videos, they have a subscription to a music library of random music they can use for all their content. I worked at an organization that had access to one and it had all kinds of stuff - music for war, futuristic music, etc. A lot of times this music isn't on iTunes or Amazon to download or anything, so it won't be able to be identified by Shazam or similar apps. NowThis don't seem to ever reply to comments on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter so I'm not sure they'll ever tell you where it's from.
posted by AppleTurnover at 11:10 AM on June 14, 2018 [1 favorite]

It’s track 8 (“Funky Cat”) from this album of library music.
posted by theodolite at 8:38 AM on June 24, 2018 [1 favorite]

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