Big little lies (spoiler alerts!) - Need a trigger warning
April 3, 2017 7:23 PM   Subscribe

Can someone tell me which episodes of Big Little Lies have rape scenes

(the ones with Shailene Woodleys character, not the violent but consensual sex of Nicole Kidmans character.) including flashbacks of her being raped or any extreme description of it. I feel like I saw another flashback to it at the beginning of episode 5... did I? The scenes are so hazy sometimes. Alternately is there a resource I could check for myself? But honestly it's three episodes (5, 6, 7) I'm worried about so hopefully someone can just help me out.
posted by jitterbug perfume to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
There's definitely at least one flashback to the rape and aftermath in episode 7.
posted by TwoStride at 8:15 PM on April 3, 2017 [2 favorites]

Episode 3 has a flashback, as well.
posted by VirginiaPlain at 8:16 PM on April 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Can anyone tell me around which parts of the episodes if anyone remembers? Pretty please? Maybe someone out there watched them all recently?
posted by jitterbug perfume at 9:01 PM on April 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Was catching up on these three episodes tonight so was able to keep track (no guarantees that I didn't miss something though). In episode 5 there's a glimpse in the "previously on" segment, and then another flashback 46 minutes in when she is in the office. In the beginning of episode 6 there's a glimpse 2 minutes in when she's sitting in her car. Episode 7 opens with the aftermath of a very violent scene with Kidman's character (not consensual) and then there's a flashback to the scene 14 minutes in (while she is cleaning), and then the flashback with Woodley's character is at 46 minutes.
posted by acidic at 11:16 PM on April 3, 2017 [1 favorite]

I just watched the finale last night, and I think the Woodley flashbacks in episode 7 are just the man entering the room and her running on the beach after. I don't think it's at all actual rape flashbacks in the final episode. (I feel maybe 95% sure.)
posted by mirabelle at 4:10 AM on April 4, 2017 [1 favorite]

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