What song did I hear at Too Much Light... on May 16th?
July 15, 2015 9:53 AM

I went to Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind on a trip to Chicago in May. During one play called Shred, a super awesome song was played and I really want to find it again!

Male singer, indie rock sound, reminded me of Modest Mouse. It had a line that went, approximately, "I took off my skin to expose my shirt" - I remember the skin/shirt being flipped in position from where they would normally be. The play featured Kirsten shredding sheets of paper and the paper falling to the ground, and I believe the rest of the cast was also on the ground around her. Please help me find the song!
posted by tatiana wishbone to Media & Arts (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I'll ping my friend at TML and get back to you shortly.
posted by juniperesque at 9:53 AM on July 15, 2015

It's "When I Was Done Dying" by Dan Deacon.
posted by juniperesque at 10:50 AM on July 15, 2015

WOW thank you, you're such a gem! And the show was incredible, easily my best experience in Chicago.
posted by tatiana wishbone at 11:44 AM on July 15, 2015

I love that show. One time I was there a male cast member went into the audience to jokingly try to seduce a random older woman. I assume this was meant to be met with mild revulsion and blushing but instead the woman was totally into him and made out with this cast member for a few very strange minutes. Never know what's going to happen.
posted by deathpanels at 11:53 AM on July 15, 2015

Deacon recently collaborated with Adult Swim and his music was featured in some animated late night weirdie thing. Here's the video for When I was Done Dying. Apparently there's like another 20 minutes of this trippy stuff, but I don't have time to look it all up just now.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 3:33 PM on July 15, 2015

Wow, that video is fantastic. I noticed Jake Fried as the animator of the first segment (and I love his work--ink and whiteout, layered and layered and layered).
posted by late afternoon dreaming hotel at 4:32 PM on July 15, 2015

If you liked that, you might want to check out Dance of the Severed Parts by Paul Roessler. (I made a music video for it years ago, but it's got some very disturbing imagery so you may want to watch it with the window minimized or something. It is a self-link of sorts but the song is so great I hope it'll stand.)

I've gotten kind of obsessed with the Deacon song the last day or two, and it scratches the same weird itches as the Roessler song. They're both these surreal, droning, vaguely Eno-esque songs with lyrics that kind of sound like random nonsense but also sound like they may be profound, cosmic truths.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 3:31 AM on July 17, 2015

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