Help identify this funk tune
November 25, 2014 10:40 PM   Subscribe

My SO heard this song on a DJ mix years ago and has been trying to find out the title/artist ever since. We’ve Googled the lyrics and tried to identify it using Shazam, but have had no luck. He’s uploaded a clip of it here. Since this was taken from a mix, it might be played back at a different pitch than it was recorded at. Can anyone identify it?
posted by yeahyeahrealcute to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This really REALLY sounds like something i heard on some funky collector disk(which if you're wiley, are hiding on grooveshark to stream at least mostly), or in one of the kraak and smaak hour mixtapes.

I mean it might not have been on there actually, but extremely similar sounding stuff abounds in both of those places.

Sorry i can't give you an exact track ID though. I actually thought i could for part of that clip :(
posted by emptythought at 3:05 AM on November 26, 2014

Soundhound says it's Mercy Hump by Thomas Gandey.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 11:18 AM on November 26, 2014

Sorry, only the lead-in is Mercy Hump.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 11:40 AM on November 26, 2014

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