Looking for sites that expose scammers, funding fraud, etc
April 30, 2014 5:21 PM   Subscribe

I recently read through the Warrior Eli Hoax site within a couple of hours. Unfortunately, the site owner has been on break for 7 months or so. Anyone know of similiar sites?

I've always had an interest in Regretsy (closed), Websleuths, the eBay forum threads in which people work together to detect counterfeit items, lies, etc. I've enjoyed some Reddit threads like this too.
Also there are other similiar community forums that I belong to - we all do our amateur detective work to find discrepancies, scammers, fake names and lies.

I'm not looking for news blurbs, scams involving phishing, company scams, craigslist stuff or the like.

I'm really interested in people who fake illness or hardship using funding sites. Stuff like that.
What I like about Warrior Eli Hoax site, is that other readers helped out, there were updates with new leads/information. Not just a news article. I could start from the earliest post and read as the mystery unfolded.

Any other sites like this?
posted by KogeLiz to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
Here is a site that exposes photographers who steal images to pass off as their own.
posted by lovableiago at 5:38 PM on April 30, 2014 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks, this looks right up my alley.

Another note: If confrontation (written, no videos) is included in sites like these, that would be great.
posted by KogeLiz at 5:46 PM on April 30, 2014

Toolhaus.org is a site that let's you quickly and easily see all of the negative and neutral feedback left for (and by) any eBay user. Semi-related.

It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
posted by LuckySeven~ at 5:52 PM on April 30, 2014 [1 favorite]

Maybe Popehat's Anatomy of a Scam?
posted by kristi at 6:21 PM on April 30, 2014 [1 favorite]

Www.419eater.com for the Nigerian money transfer scams.
posted by BenevolentActor at 6:39 PM on April 30, 2014 [1 favorite]

The Salty Droid (FPP)
posted by Rhaomi at 9:17 PM on April 30, 2014 [2 favorites]

Drop-Kicker is a blog devoted to critiquing the technical plausibility of Kickstarter projects. Not every project listed there is an outright scam, but maybe it's still along the lines of what you're looking for.
posted by teraflop at 11:31 PM on April 30, 2014 [1 favorite]

Nobody mentioned Snopes yet?
posted by Dansaman at 11:29 PM on May 18, 2014

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