Summer is coming.
March 16, 2013 6:42 PM   Subscribe

I hate the summer. I know it is March, but summer is coming and I am already fretting.

I hate the summer with a passion. I spend the end of winter and spring thinking about how much I hate the summer. I hate the heat, the sun, the long days, everything. The only thing I like about the summer is thunderstorms, but where I live we rarely have them. (I play thunderstorm recordings, which help).

Do you hate the summer? What do you do to hate it less? It seems trivial, but it is really an issue for me. I love the winter and fall.
posted by fifilaru to Health & Fitness (39 answers total) 44 users marked this as a favorite
I hate being hot. I really, really, REALLY hate it. And I live in Los Angeles. This is what I've figured out so far to make hot days more tolerable, though I'll be watching this question closely.

- The coolest part of the day is the early morning. If you need to do anything outside, especially exercise, do it as early as possible in the morning. Then go inside, and stay inside.

- Dress in loose, light clothing. I like knee length skirts best, long skirts are also good. Lightweight tanks that are fitted but not skintight are great.

- A/C is a miracle. If you have it at home and can afford to, make your home, or one room of your home, a comfortable temperature for you. It may not be climate-friendly, but it's worth it to have one room that's cool & comfortable. If you don't have a/c at home, find a local coffee shop or something that you can visit to cool off.

- On warm evenings, it's nice to sit outside and drink cold beverages, maybe put something on the grill if you can. That makes me appreciate summer more, and hate hot days less.
posted by insectosaurus at 6:55 PM on March 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

Here summer is starting to end, finally (after a record-breaking heat wave in what is supposedly autumn) so this is pretty fresh for me!

I don't know if this helps me hate it less, but these things help me deal with it better. I find some other people who don't like summer either and complain about it. I worship the Bureau of Meteorology website so that I can time activities for when the weather is least obnoxious. I stay at work late so that there is less of the evil daystar when going home, and it's usually less hot. I concentrate on the bits that are good - unlike you, I do like the extra light at least in the evening, when it's not blazing. I also like that tomatoes taste like tomatoes instead of red plastic, there's nice stonefruit in season, berries are cheaper and yummier, things like that. If I can take time off, going somewhere cooler like the mountains or the coast is good (evening sea breezes).

Then there's practical things like changing into comfy clothes as soon as I get home, keeping a spray bottle of water next to the bed for night-time misting, laying in supplies of ice cream and icy poles and big jug of water always in the fridge. Oh, and cold baths for those nights when you can't sleep. Even though it feels pleasant when you first get in, after a while you usually do start to feel cold, which is blissful.

If the thunderstorm recordings work for you, what about watching wintry movies? Here Christmas is in the summer and I can't say that all the fur-dressed Santa decorations and snowflakes help much, but you never know!
posted by Athanassiel at 6:55 PM on March 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

I also struggle to find anything good about summer. I have come to the conclusion that better quality of fruits is the only positive to hot, humid weather, sweating excessively and ruining clothes, and having to wear shorts. And even that is reaching, since you can get nearly all fruits out-of-season, as long as you are willing to pay.

Air conditioning is the only thing that keeps me going during humid NYC summers.
posted by lovelygirl at 6:56 PM on March 16, 2013 [2 favorites]

I hate summer, and I live in Los Angeles. I love a lot about this town, but the heat and the heat-loving attitudes of the locals really wear me down sometimes. When I'm dripping with sweat and miserable, it drives me nuts to hear people gushing about how "beautiful" it is outside. My girlfriend is the exact opposite of me weather-wise, so every fall I'm delirious as it's starting to finally cool off, and she's bitching about how cold she is, and then come the summer I feel like I'm dying, and she's practically dancing in the streets.

Really, I think it's a choice between learning to tolerate the weather where you are, or moving someplace cooler. You can put up thick curtains, turn up the AC and play storm recordings, but that stuff will never really make you feel like it's not still freaking summer.

If you're already fretting about summer in March, there may be some deeper issue going on. Really, nobody hates July as much as I do, and even I'm not fixated on the summer yet. Maybe you associate the summer with a really bad experience you had? Could there be something kind of phobic going on?
posted by Ursula Hitler at 6:56 PM on March 16, 2013

It sounds like you have summer-onset seasonal affective disorder. Have you considered talking to a doctor about it? Taking a low dose of melatonin may help if it's a light issue; if it's a heat and humidity issue, scheduling swim classes or movie outings might both give you something to look forward to and help cool you down.

I am not a doctor, in any form, but I have had my fair share of anxiety/depression phases. Antidepressants may help. Talking to a doctor won't hurt.
posted by eenagy at 6:56 PM on March 16, 2013 [2 favorites]

Oh, I forgot: insulate your house as much as possible. Keep blinds/curtains/shades drawn in the daytime and only open them at night. The less the light gets in, the nicer your house will be. And hang out around trees, it's always cooler near them.
posted by Athanassiel at 6:58 PM on March 16, 2013

I hated summer. Because I lived in Florida. But now living in Los Angeles, I'm looking forward to my first summer here.

Maybe break up your usual summer routine?
posted by signondiego at 7:01 PM on March 16, 2013

I hate summer too, let's plan an Arctic meetup! Seriously though-one thing that has helped me is wearing dresses (w no tights/stockins if I can). I hate wearing shorts but dresses get a pass. I also keep my apartment dark during the day (as mentioned above) and try to appreciate the tolerable temperatures/lack of burny-ness at night.
posted by PaulaSchultz at 7:06 PM on March 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

Wow, a lot of us LA heat/summer haters! A few days of it doesn't bother me, it's that summer here lasts from March through November that drives me insane. A/C helps, I keep my house cool and a little dark. I've even considered a vacation to the Southern Hemisphere just to get a fix of cool and rainy. A good bit of my heat hatred had to do with being overweight - it's unbearable to be fat in the heat. So losing weight helped me quite a bit there.
posted by cecic at 7:13 PM on March 16, 2013

I lived in Florida... and it was terrible. Endless summer. When I made sure to stay hydrated and keep my electrolyte levels up (from all the sweating!) it made it a lot more bearable because I didn't feel drained all the time.
posted by DoubleLune at 7:15 PM on March 16, 2013 [2 favorites]

Nice cocktails. Find a list of interesting sounding ones you want to try and have one every evening, sitting outside as it gets cooler if possible.

Summer fruit. Make the most of melon and peaches and berries.

Take up swimming?

One of my colleagues told me that one year she just decided that no matter how much she was hating summer, she wouldn't even once complain about it out loud. She claims that year she felt slightly better than usual. That by sharing complaining sessions about the heat, you just notice it more. I'm not that self-disciplined, though.
posted by lollusc at 7:16 PM on March 16, 2013

Wear flip-flops every possible second if you don't already. I used to be too embarrassed to let people see my bare toes, but I'm so much happier that my feet aren't hot and sweaty any more.
posted by Dixon Ticonderoga at 7:38 PM on March 16, 2013

If you move to the Pacific Northwest, summer will no longer be an issue. Coastal NorCal, Oregon, Washington, or Alaska would work. If summer really, really bothers you, it might be worth it.
posted by charmcityblues at 7:42 PM on March 16, 2013 [4 favorites]

I hate summer too, and thank God that it's nearly over here in Australia.

In addition to the suggestions above, I've found a few other things that help me survive:

- Pool. Pool pool pool. I don't even swim well, but spending the afternoon at the pool splashing in the water has more than once been the only thing that saved me from going off the brink.

- Nice walks early in the day. I've become a morning person due to having a newborn baby, but one silver lining is that it makes me get up at 6am and go on a long walk just when the sun is rising and the temperature is bearable. The birds are out and things are still and it's really just a lovely part of the day. I think I will miss this once winter comes and it's still dark at that hour.

- Try to schedule a few well-timed trips to cooler climes, sprinkled throughout the season. I haven't done this as much as I would like but the times I have, it's been well worth it. They don't even need to be long (just a few days)... just enough to give you a break.

I'm also going to be watching this thread for more suggestions for next year.
posted by forza at 7:53 PM on March 16, 2013

I also hate hate hate summer, and am already dreading it. We've had a day or two that's been in the high sixties, and it filled me with dread.

So, obviously, I have yet to discover anything that doesn't make me hate summer, but here are tips on dealing in the meantime:

Cooling Headbands. Toss them in a bowl of ice water for a while, and then tie them on.

Stop cooking. I have a giant list of recipes that require little to no cooking, and will keep in the fridge for a while. Often I'll spend the coolest night of the week chopping and prepping, and then we'll just eat those things the rest of the week, sometimes augmented with things from the grill, which I'm also not wild about. (Feel free to email if you want recipes.)

Swimming. Lake, pool, lying in the backyard with the hose aimed directly at your face, whatever. Bonus: Swimming makes you tired, which gives you a great reason to go nap in your air-conditioned room. (Air conditioning has been cover above, but seriously: air conditioning. Even if it's a $50 window unit from Craigslist.)

Light-blocking window coverings. I'm actually not flush enough to do this, because the once I've found are somewhat spendy, but if you can keep the light from getting in, your room will be that much cooler and you'll be that much happier.

If your bedroom isn't normally the coolest room of the house and you can't make it that way, sleep somewhere else. Maybe this means you sleep on a sofa, or on an air mattress. I'm not proud--I've literally gone and slept in the (empty) bathtub before.

No dark clothing. I hate this rule, because almost all of my clothes are black/blue/green, but if you have to go outside, you're going to be happier in the whitest clothing you can find.

Buy a bunch of cheap sponges. Soak them, and then put each in its own plastic bag. Put each of those plastic bags in a plastic bag, so now you have a lot of wet, double-bagged sponges. Put them all in the freezer. Tada, now you have many cheap icepacks that won't drip all over--the sponges will hold the water, and the double-bagging will keep any drips from escaping.

This is for desperate times, but I have, on occasion, misted my sheets with water + a few drops of peppermint oil. Just so they were noticeably damp, but know, you wouldn't be able to wring them out or anything. Put the sheets in the freezer in the morning; remove at bedtime and go to bed immediately. Blissful, blissful cool.
posted by MeghanC at 8:16 PM on March 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

I love summer because of nice summer cocktails, especially sipping them outside when the evening is cooling off; concerts outdoors where you're sweaty and drinking a $12 beer and you don't even care because you're dancing like madman; walking home after said concerts when it's still light out even though it's 9 o'clock; going to the beach and swimming in the ocean [1]; the cocktails that follow said beach. Where I live, the whole city is basically outside on the sidewalks during the summer, and the energy is incredible.

Beyond that, I love deciding not to care about my AC bill, and so running it non-stop until it's unreasonably cold in my apartment and I can sleep under the covers; coming in from the heat and taking an ice cold shower; eating cold salads out in heat.

I generally hate the heat and where I live, it's ungodly humid in the summer, and I'm a big fat guy, so I get all disgustingly sweaty, and AC feels gross and too-cold and unnatural but I filled my last summer with activities like those I mentioned (the beach and concerts in particular), and it made it all worth it. So that's my advice: find things you like to do outdoors and fill your summer with them. Get sweaty and gross, sure, but then come home and take an ice cold shower and wash the heat right off. And cocktails. Always cocktails.

1: Most people when they go to the beach focus on the hanging out on the beach and lounging in the sun part, but that stuff sucks! It's hot and blinding and there's sand everywhere. Swimming in the ocean is where it's at.
posted by !Jim at 8:46 PM on March 16, 2013

I'm not a heat person either. Can you move to a place where there isn't a hot summer?
posted by 3491again at 8:55 PM on March 16, 2013

I went to LA last summer and it was a relief. In the Midwest where I live it tends not to even cool off at night, which is when I typically have found refuge in other hot summer place's I've lived. Chicago will be 11 PM and still almost as hot as noon. It cope by saving up all my vacation days and going away for some of the summer. I also now have central air which also makes a big difference. I also have light-blocking curtains in my bedroom and eat lighter fare.
posted by melissam at 9:05 PM on March 16, 2013

I’ve totally switched from being a lifelong fall/winter person to preferring the hotter months.

It’s true that summer respects a body’s boundaries less than the quieter seasons do (other than spring, which is textural anarchy). Ants in scratchy grass, bees buzzing around flowers, pollen; noise (crickets; neighbours who play Bob Marley on repeat); smog, street grime, humidity; your own sweat, other people’s sweat; exposing tender skin, and having less control over its perceived shape, given the skimpiness of most seasonal garments; being imposed upon by the obvious, organized, mobbish fun of parades and festivals. It’s invasive.

In recent years, I’ve noticed the ants and bees less, I think because doing things like swimming, cycling, and walking has absorbed my attention. So, I’ve been distracted from many of the insults above: exerting the force of my own physicality has sort of blunted their impact. Also: agree with equipping yourself with as many barriers as you need. Long, light clothes, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, etc. I’ve seen more and more people using parasols on the brightest days.

I also notice I’ve found the heat and humidity infinitely more tolerable since I lost a lot of weight (the cold’s way harder to deal with, now), but I still appreciate a dehumidifier.

The psych stuff coming is probably just me: I used to suffer from social anxiety, and summer made hiding harder, and the rest of the world harder to ignore. Social anxiety no longer stops me from doing things I want to do, thanks to treatment and aging out of it, I suspect. I’m less drawn to the cozy inwardness of winter, and much more driven to connect (at beach parties, even!). Also re aging, am feeling the need to carpe diem, and the diems feel more diemly in July.
posted by nelljie at 9:15 PM on March 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

I hate the heat, but a lot of towns have fun cultural institutions that only happen in the summer. I am yet another LA dweller (weird how this thread brought us out of the woodwork) and while I can't look forward to sweaty weather I CAN look forward to the Hollywood Bowl season and Twilight Dance on Santa Monica Pier.

I also got myself a cooling mattress pad. It helps a lot.
posted by town of cats at 9:18 PM on March 16, 2013

I hate summer, too (but like melissam, I don't think of LA as SUPER HOT because it's pretty mild compared to other places I've lived! That said, I do prefer NorCal and that's one reason why -- we're cooler). We pay extra to live in place with an air conditioner, even though many people think you don't need one here. I don't care what they think: I need it!

People also say that living in hot areas isn't so bad because everything has AC there. Well, a) not true and b) you still have to go out, and I get miserable right away. Plus c) it makes outdoor time suck. Moving here from the South was a great choice: life is so much better. It's a major quality of life issue for me. Of course, if that'd mean moving out of the country, you may not even be able to think about it.

Here's what I do in years when it is hot here: I start making plans for Halloween in late July or August, which helps get my mind off the heat. I get up early (EARLY) for outdoor activities. I embrace the mall, the library, and museums (though summer also means tourist crowds here, feh). I take daytrips to places where it's cooler, not places where it's warmer (sounds obvious, but people don't always think of it -- and of course, there may not be any options where you are). I use a physical sunblock. I haven't embraced hats or parasols yet, but I have friends who have. I know in some climates, you're better off staying up late rather than getting up early, but that didn't work for me in Taiwan. It does for some people, though. (When I was there, I was into cold drinks and shaved ice and fruit like whoa. Some people like to switch to salads and so on in the summer, too.)

Good luck :(
posted by wintersweet at 9:20 PM on March 16, 2013

Put cucumber slices in all your drinks. Ginger ale, fresh slices of ginger or ginger syrup in things. Gin. Watermelon, grapefruit, mango, frozen grapes, starfruit (both to eat and in drinks). Build up a repository of no-cook meals (turning the oven on in 105F weather = I just can't!). Eat outdoors on patios when possible. Visit huge bodies of water and take your sunglasses and sunblock. Midday naps. Go commando (both bra and undies-wise) whenever possible, and if you're a girl, do the glorious "a single breathable light dress and nothing else" outfit thing whenever you can get away with it. Turn the shades down when it's sunny and roll them up at night. Wear open-toed or otherwise very breathable shoes.
posted by ifjuly at 9:44 PM on March 16, 2013

Ugh, me too. I live in the South and have pretty much my entire life. Worshiping the heat and complaining about the cold is totally a thing here - they're all insane. I would love to move to the Pacific Northwest, but no one will hire me.

One thing I don't think has been mentioned yet is (if you drive) to get your car's A/C checked before it gets too hot. Make sure the coolant's full and the system is firing on all cylinders so that when you make the dash from the cool of the house you can crank up the cool in your car quickly.

Do you have covered parking? This can be worth its weight in gold, I swear. I don't mind getting wet in the rain, but having the sun turn your car into an oven is no fun. And (at least in my experience) sun shades don't really do that much.

If you are parking outside, I have been known on particularly beastly days to go out and turn on the car with the A/C and then returning to the house to do the last few things before leaving. I know this is horrible, etc and the planet cries out in pain, but I figure I get brownie points by not turning on my heat until it's 55F inside, so the seasons average out. I'm a good environmentalist during the winter!
posted by clerestory at 10:20 PM on March 16, 2013 [1 favorite]

If you move to the Pacific Northwest, summer will no longer be an issue. Coastal NorCal, Oregon, Washington, or Alaska would work. If summer really, really bothers you, it might be worth it.

Seriously. Move to Cordova or Sitka. They don't have summer.

Having lived everywhere from the desert to Alaska I find that counter intuitively you just have to get outside and embrace the weather to be OK with it. Being physically active outdoors makes your brain somehow adapt from "this sucks" to "this is great!". Brains are easily fooled that way.

One thing I do dislike about summer is how manic everyone gets and everything is gogogogogo all the time, running around like maniacs. It makes me nuts. It's still a work night people! Why are your kids running around the yard at 10pm and why did we not even start dinner till 9:45? So I try to schedule in enough sleep, that makes a big difference.
posted by fshgrl at 10:25 PM on March 16, 2013 [4 favorites]

I live in Arizona. I've been pregnant through two Arizona summers. Due in early September both times... yeah. God hates me.

I have had a broken AC at home for an entire month whilst 8 months pregnant with a hyper two year old to chase after AND a foster-puppy.

I haaaaate summer.

The only thing I have learned to love about summer is pretending I'm on vacation. My own vacation, not the obnoxious kind where you stand in long lines at lame tourist attractions. Swim, be inside water literally as much as you possibly can. Cold showers and lay around with wet hair and a fan blowing on you and watch a movie and be lazy. Popsicles. Fruit smoothies (yum). If you have hangups about your body, get over them; wear loose cool clothing and don't give a shit about how you look in it (really, this is the most obvious but I was a jeans-and-fitted-black-tee-shirt person all summer long for nearly TEN YEARS before I started to give in and rethink my fashion choices. To this day I own more winter clothes than summer ones, despite it being winter for maybe two months of the year.) Unless you really want to give a shit, in which case pick a "summer aesthetic" that you like (or that you hate the least) and run with that.

Go to bed early.

Use AC. This should have been at the top of my list, but seriously. Beg, borrow, kill for it.

I know this is horrible and wasteful but when I'm driving in summer I often blast AC in my face AND have the windows down. The wind is hot, yes, but it mixes the cool air from the vent and I actually feel alive; rather than suffocated in a static blaze of still hot air and clear sunny sky and soulless burning pavement. Yes, yes, I really do hate the summer. It feels soulless to me. Bizarre I know... but i find solace in wind, water, and fresh tastes or colors wherever I can.

And sometimes on the weekends I do drive up to the mountains, not for any purpose except to see greenery and cool air. Depending on your location this may be an occasional option.
posted by celtalitha at 1:56 AM on March 17, 2013

In some Northern countries it's a recognized thing, like the opposite of winter depression. Here it has mostly to do with the light and the long days, not so much temperature. Some people just can't cope with that.

This means that ideally there should be folks around somewhere to whom you could talk about this (like, on a professional level).
posted by Namlit at 1:57 AM on March 17, 2013 [1 favorite]

I feel you. I used to hate summer too, until I moved somewhere that's very hot practically-year round and found ways to deal. When I find myself yearning for winter or fall, here are some things I think of to cope:

+ Summer foods. Certain foods just taste extra-nice in the summer, and I try to look forward to them. Frozen grapes, frozen yogurt, ice cream, lots of smoothies, lots of big awesome salads (so good!!!), fresh hummus, salsa, mixed drinks, fresh fruit, BBQ foods.

+ Finding a shady, cool place to spend free afternoons. Staying outside later. Sitting outside in the evening while having dinner or drinks.

+Taking pleasure in not having to bundle up. Once you get used to wearing lots of saraongs, swooshy skirts, tank tops, etc. the thought of going through the whole winter-wear routine is less appealing. It's also nice to just kick on a pair of flip-flops.

+ Appreciating being able to leave the doors and windows open. I try to remember the stale closed-up air you get in winter.

+ Plan a trip somewhere cold. You can look forward to it.

Anecdotally, the onset of summer can be worse than the hottest part. Since you're not really in the right frame-of-mind yet.
posted by Solon and Thanks at 5:57 AM on March 17, 2013

Oh, and I also take a cold shower (well, bath) when I get home from work. I also carry a parasol when walking around.
posted by Solon and Thanks at 6:06 AM on March 17, 2013

The one thing I am looking forward to is making cold-brewed iced coffee and drinking it during my morning commute in the humid, sweaty butthole of the subway. Cheers!
posted by joeyjoejoejr at 7:39 AM on March 17, 2013

Another Southern Californian here. I think my view is similar to town of cats. I don't hate summer, rather I hate the harsh sun of summer (certainly the dry climate here is better than a hot humid climate, which means that as long as you are not directly in the sun, it's not so bad). What makes it hard is there are so many sun-worshippers here and they think you are an oddball for not wanting to go to the beach at 2 pm (however it's comforting to know that medical science is on my side, and I've also heard that Australia is more mindful of the dangers of overexposure to the sun, so I have hope that eventually the US will move in that direction). To answer the question, I try to make the best of it by enjoying the beautiful outdoor evenings and related activities that only happen in the summer (outdoor concerts, movies in the park, musicians at outdoor malls, etc.) and for the rest of the day just doing indoor things, of which fortunately there are still plenty in Southern California.
posted by Dansaman at 8:27 AM on March 17, 2013 [1 favorite]

Get up earlier and use that time to any necessary 'outdoorsy' stuff, before the heat and humidity become depressing. Spend the middle of your day at home or at work. Pretend it's not summer in the evenings (easier to do once it's dark).

Last Summer I spent nearly every evening at my local repertory theater, where they showed a lot of classic movies including European films that had a more temperate feel to them.

Stock up on TV recordings now so you have some better entertainment to see you through.

Invest in clothes that are lightweight but cover you up in a classy way - kaftans, long skirts, nice hats, expensive sunglasses, etc. I'm not even overweight but I hate feeling underdressed.
posted by dumdidumdum at 10:28 AM on March 17, 2013

We left Texas because of summer. We moved to Southern California, where it does get a little hot sometimes (and I understand the LA hate because there's only so much coastal marine layer, and once you get inland you're in the damn dessert; San Diego is not as intense), but the heat turns off when the sun goes down. We don't have A/C, and we have to go sit on the patio in the late afternoon for the couple of hours a day that it's gross inside.

It's an entirely different experience from 88 degrees at midnight, unrelenting, hot-heat-all-the-time Texas summer. You can't open the windows, outdoor activities are bearable but not necessarily comfortable, and if you did go outside you had to be coated in bug spray unless you enjoy being covered with mosquito bites. We spent our summers watching DVDs in our underwear; we watched all 8 seasons of The X-Files the summer before we moved.

My husband's yearly nervous breakdown about summer coming would start ramping up about this time. My anxiety about his anxiety, and also the heat, would soon follow. Half the year was kind of ruined - even what were usually very nice March-April-early May springs - knowing summer was coming.
posted by Lyn Never at 11:26 AM on March 17, 2013 [1 favorite]

Wear linen clothing. Linen is magic.
posted by Corvid at 1:16 PM on March 17, 2013

I hate summer too! It's hard for me to enjoy spring because I know summer is right around the corner. I've sometimes wondered if I have some weird kind of reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. I don't necessarily find myself depressed in the summer, but I absolutely hate bright, white sunlight, long days and miserable heat and am irritable and annoyed a lot of the time. I hate when I get into my car and it's a million degrees. I hate seasonal allergies. I hate humidity and my huge, frizzy hair. I hate skunks (there is almost a constant skunk smell at night during the summer in several adjacent towns. Ew). I haaaate sweating. What I'm saying is: I TOTALLY GET YOU.

Some things I do to be less miserable: make sure you have a pair of sunglasses. I have terrible vision so I have to have prescription sunglasses. Doesn't matter. I wear them almost constantly if I'm outside. Not having white-hot sunlight piercing into my brain is awesome. Seconding wearing flip-flops all the time. I actually love painting my toenails crazy colors and summer is the only time anyone but me sees them. Skirts! If you are a long-haired lady, updos! Get that hair off the back of your neck, you'll feel much better. Now is the time to try anime buns or a French twist. GO TO THE MOVIES. I go to the movies SO often in the summer. I like stupid action movies and they always crank the air conditioning up to Jesus. Try keeping shower gel or body spray in the refrigerator. That way you have a quick cool-down. As much as you may be tempted, don't take COLD showers or baths. Take cool ones, slightly lukewarm. That way it's not as much of a shock when you get out of the bath and it's still hot. Also, don't dry off all the way. Just kind of pat excess water off and let the rest evaporate. This is much less gross than sweating and has the same result. Baby powder in all your body folds (under boobs -if you're a lady-, on feet, between legs, behind knees). It feels awesome. Ice cream or sorbet or frozen yogurt for dinner! Salads ALL THE TIME.
posted by Aquifer at 1:23 PM on March 17, 2013

Late to the party, but I really want to reiterate what a few other people said: please consider moving somewhere else. I'm pretty much the opposite of you, in that I love summer and hate winter. But I think my experience still applies. I lived in the Northwest for many years, and I never felt like we had proper summers. I was miserable, and hated the weather the vast majority of the year. I finally gave up and moved somewhere warmer and drier, and I can't overstate the impact it has had on the overall quality of my life. It's probably the best decision I've ever made in my life. I really think you owe it to yourself to look into places that have climates more to your liking.
posted by primethyme at 3:54 PM on March 17, 2013

Do you worry about how you look? I think a lot of people who don't like the summer don't like weather that forces them to shed their disguises. If you think you look awful in a bathing suit or a light dress or shorts and a tank top, you aren't going to be happy about hot summer days when everyone but you wants to run around in skimpy clothes.

If that's you, look for light clothes that still cover you up enough to make you feel psychologically comfortable. And find shady places for cool unsunny recreation.
posted by pracowity at 5:03 AM on March 18, 2013 [1 favorite]

For me, a lot of my summmer anxiety was around not having annything to do. I wasn't allowed to have a summer job, had few friends, and little money. So when school was out, I had literally nothing going on, and I hate that. Now that I work for a living, this got a lot better; I'm one of those people who always has to have a project.

I also move to the Pacific Northwest, and that helped a great deal. Now that it tops out at 72F maybe, I enjoy the longer days because I can go running. I also dealt with many of my body issues around being exposed by clothing, so it's easier to stay cool.

When I was still in LA, I would fill a 2-liter soda bottle with water to freeze it, then cuddle up to it at night. Left the fan in the window to run all night blowing cool air in, then turned it off at sunrise, closed the windows, and put up blackout drapes. I still say move to the northwest if you can.
posted by blnkfrnk at 10:26 AM on March 18, 2013

What's that? You're not going to have a summah?

Have a Summah.
posted by tenaciousd at 6:08 PM on March 19, 2013

I'm not sure where the OP is located (Saipan?), but maybe starting up a Meetup group centered around sun avoidance might be a way to help deal with it. With all the sun-avoiders concentrated in Southern California, certainly it would seem that possibility at least exists there.
posted by Dansaman at 5:01 PM on March 20, 2013

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