Keep thumbs out of asses in western Mass.
December 16, 2012 3:31 PM   Subscribe

Is there ANYTHING fun* to do on NYE in Springfield, MA? Difficulty level: no alcohol**.

*fun: ball drop/rise, live music or performances, good food, general "family friendly" activities.

**no alcohol: bars and clubs totally out, but restaurants that serve alcohol are fine as long as the bar is separate from the dining area, as are events with beer tents or cultural events with drink tickets. (Religious reasons.)

Googling seemed to bring up a lot of alcohol based suggestions. I realize this is a tall order.

We are open to any ideas, from something super-duper classy to something low-key. 4 adults, 2 early to mid 30s, 2 mid to late 50s. We just don't want to be stuck at home all NYE, so events/activities ending before midnight are fine.

Thanks. If there's nothing at all to do, DVD reccs? ;)
posted by peacrow to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (9 answers total)
Drive up the road 12 miles to Northampton. That's where it's all happening.
posted by Xurando at 3:36 PM on December 16, 2012 [6 favorites]

Go to a movie that runs past midnight.
posted by brujita at 3:37 PM on December 16, 2012

Xurando has this right. "First night" is the sine qua non of "family friendly," wholesome New Year's Eve outings.
posted by deanc at 3:46 PM on December 16, 2012 [1 favorite]

Thirding First Night Northampton!
posted by lysimache at 4:12 PM on December 16, 2012

brujita: the problem with going to a movie that'll run past midnight is, I can almost guarentee you that at least one idiot in the theater will whip out a noisemaker and start whooping it up in the middle of the movie. Ask me (a long-time professional theater projectionist) how I know...... sigh.
posted by easily confused at 4:39 PM on December 16, 2012

Yeah, I've had that happen a few times.
posted by brujita at 4:45 PM on December 16, 2012

ooh! Bright Nights is always fun on a winter evening. Bring a thermos of cocoa to set the mood!
posted by spinturtle at 4:47 PM on December 16, 2012

There's First Night Hartford as well...
posted by hey you over in the corner at 5:08 PM on December 16, 2012

As a native of the Spfld/Western Ma area, I can tell you without alcohol, I wouldn't even stay in Spfld for NYE. I completely agree with Northampton or even driving out toward the Berkshires for hiking (if there's no snow) or skiing if there is. Find stuff that will take you to early evening at least so you won't be so bored. When I was a teenager in the 80's we used to drive forever to find something to do in Western MA. We'd even go up to VT for the day just for the adventure.
posted by lasamana at 1:06 PM on December 17, 2012

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