Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner. Harrison Ford. A gun, a gun, a whip.
August 1, 2012 7:02 PM   Subscribe

Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner. Harrison Ford is in all three movies, and he has a recognizable/signature weapon or tool in each one. Are there any other similarities between the three?

I'm most interested in things that could be seen or heard in the movies, not so much behind the scenes stuff. Is there a line similar to "I've got a bad feeling about this" in Blade Runner and Indiana Jones? Is there a single vehicle that might be closely associated with Indiana Jones?
posted by gally99 to Media & Arts (17 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
The club in Temple of Doom is "Club Obi Wan" if I recall correctly.
posted by backwards guitar at 7:37 PM on August 1, 2012 [1 favorite]

I hate snakes!
posted by phunniemee at 7:51 PM on August 1, 2012

Well, he's essentially a bounty hunter in all three movies, so there's that.
posted by two lights above the sea at 8:23 PM on August 1, 2012 [1 favorite]

Indy's snakes, Zorah's snake, and the garbage monster may be similar.

I don't know if Leia, Marion, and Rachel all slap Harrison, but they all should...
posted by Mad_Carew at 8:23 PM on August 1, 2012

He gets into a bar fight in each one. (In Star Wars he and Greedo shoot at each other in the Cantina; in Raiders of the Lost Ark he fights the Nazis in the Nepalese bar; in Blade Runner he fights the replicant in the strip club.)
posted by BobbyVan at 8:26 PM on August 1, 2012 [1 favorite]

Kind of a stretch, but he also disguises himself in each one to gain access to a forbidden area (in Star Wars he dresses like a Storm Trooper, in Raiders he dresses like a local tribesman, in Blade Runner is pretends to be a union organizer to gain access to the dressing room).
posted by BobbyVan at 8:36 PM on August 1, 2012

In the Last Crusade, doesn't he dress like a Nazi?
posted by phunniemee at 8:44 PM on August 1, 2012

In the Last Crusade, doesn't he dress like a Nazi?

Yeah, and he also pretends to be Scottish. To look at the tapestries.
posted by puritycontrol at 9:27 PM on August 1, 2012 [2 favorites]

Well, he's essentially a bounty hunter in all three movies, so there's that.

He's not a bounty hunter in Star Wars (I'm not even sure how you get there by stretching the way you have in the other two). He's a smuggler being pursued by a bounty hunter.
posted by bitdamaged at 9:53 PM on August 1, 2012

There are space ships in all three.
posted by birdsquared at 11:37 PM on August 1, 2012

Where're the space ships in Indiana Jones?
posted by Grither at 4:17 AM on August 2, 2012

Large ships. They take up space. (Actually wasn't the fourth one about aliens or something? I haven't seen it or really even acknowledged its existence.)
posted by phunniemee at 4:32 AM on August 2, 2012

Ford shoots someone in a non-heroic way in each film: Greedo point-blank under the table in Star Wars, the swordsman in the market in Raiders, Zora in the back while she's running away in Blade Runner.

Also someone gets their hand messed up in each film: Luke loses his in Empire, the Gestapo agent has the head of the staff burned into his palm in Raiders and Deckard gets his fingers broken by Roy in Blade Runner.
posted by permafrost at 4:46 AM on August 2, 2012 [1 favorite]

My friend, who has seen all 3, says

The character is always someone who's - to put it nicely - uncivilized. Han Solo is a smuggler- but not a classy one like Lando Calrissian. Indiana Jones is more at home in a coat and fedora (punching things) than the tuxedo he sometimes wears. Decker is a futuristic Sam Spade, a man (?) well acquainted with how things are done in the seedy underbelly of the world.

'High society,' though acessible to Jones, is undesirable to all. 'They're everyman outliers. Mostly regular joes, but with unusual exceptionalities.
posted by bessel functions seem unnecessarily complicated at 7:27 AM on August 2, 2012

I believe he goes bare chested in all three at least once...and Indiana Jones at least once per movie (except for perhaps Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which I couldn't finish watching....and really doesn't count anyway). So to that effect, there was definitely an element of sex appeal to Harrison's roles in earlier movies. There was always a female interest involved, or damsel in distress. (well ok things didn't work out to well in the Last Crusade..but still)
posted by samsara at 8:05 AM on August 2, 2012

His character was changed by the directors subsequent to the original release in all three.

a.) Star Wars- dupe for Chewie, the theory about Chewbacca and R2D2 being the backbone of the rebel alliance is floating around the internet, I tend to buy into it - this theory comes from R2 and Chewie's roles in the prequels.
b.) Crystal Skull (I still can't believe I payed good money to see that) has Jones with a kid, working on aliens, not magic, being lame, etc.
c.) Ridley Scott's release of the directors cut of Blade Runner removes the happy ending (so that he is pursuing temporary happiness that he knows will end soon) and suggests he is a replicant

c.) makes his character more interesting. The other two make the baby jesus cry.
posted by Hactar at 8:26 AM on August 2, 2012

This is kind of vague, but in all three he plays a plays a character that is approached by some outside party for a particular task, and he reluctantly agrees to do it. In Raiders of the lost ark the army intelligence hire him to go after the Ark, in A New Hope he is hired by Luke and Obi Wan, and in Blade Runner he is brought out of retirement by his boss for one. last. job.

And of course, he has a penchant for sassy brunettes.
posted by Mr Mister at 12:13 PM on August 2, 2012 [2 favorites]

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