Help find a cite for a study
April 25, 2012 12:02 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone help find a cite for a study? I think I heard about it on the radio at some point. It was a study that recorded classrooms - I think high school - and then talked about how much classroom time was spent on girls' discussion and questions and how much on boys. It also surveyed student/teacher perceptions of the time spent, and had a follow-up component where teachers tried to even out the time. Thanks in advance!
posted by kavasa to Education (6 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Not sure if this is the research you're thinking of, but the Sadkers are pretty well-known for it.
posted by thinkpiece at 12:17 PM on April 25, 2012

Best answer: Sorry, don't know the exact cite but I definitely remember reading about this study in Penelope Eckert, Language and Gender, 2003.
posted by The Toad at 12:18 PM on April 25, 2012

Best answer: How recent? Dale Spender did work along these lines in the early 80s. There is not insignificant literature on gender and classroom speech, so you might try fishing around Google scholar if you remember other details.
posted by cgk at 12:42 PM on April 25, 2012

Best answer: How Schools Shortchange Girls, a study by the American Association of University Woman addresses this issue. It's a little old, but I recall it as the first time I'd encountered the topic. Now with kids in school myself, I'm still thinking about it.
posted by Measured Out my Life in Coffeespoons at 1:06 PM on April 25, 2012

Best answer: The cite from the Eckert book is Sadker, Myra and Sadker, David 1985. Sexism in the schoolroom of the 80s. In Psychology Today, March: 54 - 57.
posted by Scottie_Bob at 3:13 PM on April 25, 2012

Response by poster: Hey thank you everyone! This is all wondrous stuff, it's kind of funny that I'm using it for a super-informal blog post. It actually helps a lot that there are a bunch of studies by a bunch of different people with results that all support the same thesis.
posted by kavasa at 9:33 PM on April 25, 2012

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