How can I get a detached console treadmill for less than $840?
April 23, 2012 8:40 PM   Subscribe

I'm trying to create a treadmill desk in a small cubicle without spending four grand. Typically people build a desk that fits around a treadmill or buy something like the TrekDesk, but that is too big for my space (and won't work with my workplace-mandated cubicle components). I'm looking for a small walking treadmill with a detached console like the Trek for less than $840 + s/h. Are there any other detached console treadmills on the market that I haven't found or an easy way to convert a traditional treadmill into a detached console treadmill (without power tools)? Thanks!
posted by arnicae to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I considered this at my standing desk at home.

I ended up deciding that a MagneTrainer (pedals, rather than a treadmill) was my best option.

So even though I'm reasonably handy and could do anything I wanted to at home, a treadmill seemed too expensive or just not worth the time I would put into it.

My initial plan was to just get a treadmill on Craigslist and chop its console off, then splice the wires so they were longer and have the console at the corner of my desk. But in the end the MagneTrainer won out.
posted by MonsieurBon at 11:56 PM on April 23, 2012

This was for my home office but it might work in a cubicle. I bought a standard treadmill that had arms and a console. Using scrap wood, I rigged up a wide shelf that fit across the arms and extended a bit beyond them. I could put my laptop on the shelf, or if I wanted to use a separate, bigger monitor, I could put the keyboard on the shelf and put the monitor on a stand on a small table in front of the treadmill. It worked fine for me, and I had enough room for a cup of tea and some papers.
posted by ceiba at 8:28 AM on April 24, 2012

Mike Masnick has a post about building a standing desk/elliptical for c. $500.
posted by ChurchHatesTucker at 12:24 PM on April 26, 2012 [1 favorite]

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