And I'm like, how'd you do that? (ooh hoo hoo!)
March 29, 2011 1:22 PM

How can I make a video like this one for Cee-lo Green's Fuck You? What kind of program(s) would I need? Are there any tutorials? Any terms for what this is called would be helpful too, because my googling has been rather unsuccessful. Thanks!
posted by jouir to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

posted by rileyray3000 at 1:25 PM on March 29, 2011

Definitely After Effects.

Making a video like this is a really common assignment in "digital design" courses, so there are student examples all over the place.
posted by rokusan at 1:50 PM on March 29, 2011

There's a great typographic video for Jonathan Coulton's "Shop Vac" that includes software credits: "Created using After Effects, Toon Boom Animate, Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere," and a note from the creator in the comments: "I put around 500 hours into it, but as it was my first After Effects project, there was a bit of a learning curve. I could certainly do it faster now. I think there are around 35 unique typefaces. Futura is the star of the show, and has been my go-to typeface since I got into graphic design 13 years ago."
posted by mbrubeck at 4:22 PM on March 29, 2011

Nthing After Effects. It's going to be cheaper for you to hire a student than it will be for you to learn how to DIY though. Look for a hungry design student. He'll learn AE if he has to.
posted by thsmchnekllsfascists at 8:11 PM on March 29, 2011

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